The personal life of Eva Green

Not all celebrities like it when they are interested in the public. Nevertheless, every Hollywood star is under the close attention of both the press and fans. This fate was not avoided by the mysterious Frenchwoman Eva Greene, whose private life is hidden from outside views, but nevertheless, various rumors about her personage periodically appear in the press.

It is worth noting that, despite its lack of sociability, the actress has something to brag about. This is an excellent knowledge of languages, as well as familiarity with architecture, classical music and art. Perhaps because of their traditional views and interests, the girl considers herself a bore and botanist.

Biography and personal life of Eva Green

The star was born in the beautiful and romantic city of Paris on July 6, 1980. At 35, Eva Gael Green conquered not only Hollywood, but also became one of the sexiest women , taking the honorable sixth place in the world list.

Love for the art of Eve was transmitted from her mother, Marlene Jober, who is also a famous actress. Although at first this dream caused Marlene some fears. However, over time, the mother decided to support her daughter's initiative. Eve's father, Walter Green is a dentist, and has not only French, but also Swedish roots. Thanks to such a mixture, the girl has such an expressive appearance.

As a child, Eve was fond of Egyptology. She was a very quiet and capable child. While studying at an American school, she studied English. At age 14, the girl knew exactly who she wanted to become. Since 1997, Eva for three years mastered acting skills and was engaged in directing in different universities.

Back in Paris, the girl began to play in the theater. And already in 2001 for participation in the theatrical production was nominated for the Moliere Prize. Following followed the second nomination of Turkaret, but only in 2007, Green received the BAFTA award, as a rising star.

In 2003, the actress starred in the debut picture "Dreamers", which led her to fame. Then came the roles in the famous films "Kingdom of Heaven", Casino "Royal", "James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace" and recognition in Hollywood.

In addition to the career of an actress, the girl works as a model. Active life and constant activity have an impact on Eva Green's personal life. Considering himself old-fashioned in many matters, the model does not like to spread about their novels. However, this does not prevent the appearance of various gossip. For example, rumors about the relationship between Eva Green and Johnny Depp, better known as scandalous. The girl was even accused of destroying his marriage, although they did not have anything to do except work together on the painting "Dark Shadows".

The next novel was attributed to Eva Green with Tim Burton. Then a stellar couple was caught at a dinner in a restaurant. Most likely, this meeting was of a purely friendly nature, but the mysterious veil around the personal life of the actress does not give rest to fans and the press.

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But anyway, Green is too busy with her career and has not yet planned a serious relationship. Perhaps, she had the longest romance with Marton Chokash. Eva Green and her boyfriend maintained close ties for five years, after which they publicly confirmed that they had split.