Embellishments with enamel

Jewelry with enamel impress with its originality and refinement. No metal can provide such rich colors as enamel, and the combination of juicy color and noble brilliance of gold and silver looks unusual and extremely beautiful.

History of enameling

Many people think that enamel is a modern way of decorating ornaments, but historians claim that the enamelling technique was used even in Ancient Rus. At that time it was called "enamel" and was used to decorate caskets, cups and bowls. The enamels of the North African continent have a characteristic appearance. They often use green, yellow and blue coatings, which are combined with filigree and complex ornaments. In Pakistan, for a long time, the technique of chimney enamel was developed, while in the countries of the Middle East, colored mastics based on mineral dyes and colored resins were used.

Today, the techniques have been significantly improved, and the methods of applying colored glass to metal have reached perfection. Jewelers can outline the finest patterns and give the image incredible realism. There were even whole companies specializing in silver and gold jewelry with enamel. Here you can identify the following areas:

  1. Czech decorations with enamel. Czech Republic gave the world several jewelry brands that create feminine colored jewelry. The most famous brand is Style Avenue. The jewelers of the Czech brand are experimenting with jewelry alloys and valuable metals, precious and ornamental stones. For the decoration used cloisonne cold enameling techniques.
  2. Jewelry with enamel, Italy. The most famous Italian brands working with enamel: Damiani, Buccellati, Bulgari and Garavelli. Jewelers experiment with complex shapes, creating buds of flowers and butterflies. Here the European quality and Italian luxury are intertwined.
  3. Ornaments with Georgian enamel. Only in Georgia, jewelry is created with a special technique called the minankari. This technique is characterized by smooth color transitions (which is very difficult to do with a glass alloy) and authentic ornaments. The most widely represented are pendants and rings.
  4. Domestic brands. Here you need to highlight jewelry from silver with enamel from Sunlight. Jewelers of the brand are experimenting with stained glass enamel, but unlike the products of other brands, decorations with Sunlight enamel have a smooth surface, and the figure is made in smooth lines. Each decoration has a transparent enamel fill above the picture.

As you can see, the execution technician and brands that work with enamel are very many. Having bought an exclusive product with enamel coating, you will emphasize your independent style and originality.

We choose and wear jewelry with a color coating

Before you buy these jewelry, you need to remember that applying enamel is a very complex and painstaking process, so accessories with enamel can not be cheap. Not for nothing because they are referred to the jewelry of the premium class. But if the desire to get hold of a bright exclusive thing took you above, then you need to learn how to make the right choice.

In decorations, the enamel looks best on gold. This combination looks luxurious and rich. Jewelry silver enamel look more restrained and simple, so more suitable for everyday wear. When buying jewelry, pay attention to the fact that on the enamel coating there were no defects in cracks, chips, bubbles, scratches).

When wearing the product, be very careful and avoid rubbing against metal objects, shocks, temperature changes and contact with household chemicals. Prolonged contact with water is also prohibited.