How useful is a leaf salad?

Useful properties of green leaf lettuce are quite extensive and favorably affect the work of all systems and organs.

The most important of them are:

  1. It struggles with the formation of cholesterol plaques, helps to strengthen and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, helps to maintain them in a healthy state. This greens is not in vain recommended to use constantly for the prevention of strokes, as well as people suffering from anemia and vascular diseases.
  2. Improves blood composition and promotes its normal clotting.
  3. In salad, the high content of various vitamins and antioxidants that support the immune system, increase the vitality of the body, fight with avitaminosis . Physicians are advised to use it as a prophylaxis for colds and viral diseases. Decoction of this plant is often advised as a good expectorant.
  4. According to the content of carotene leaf lettuce is comparable to carrots, so its use in food has a beneficial effect on vision.
  5. Thanks to the content of potassium, a leafy green salad helps normalize blood pressure.
  6. Leaf salad is rich in iodine and phosphorus, which has a beneficial effect on brain activity.
  7. Green "healer" has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves sleep, quickly copes with depressive states, emotional excitability, chronic fatigue. Salad is recommended for children, especially school age - periodic use of it helps improve concentration and concentration in learning.
  8. Green salad regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, acts as a diuretic.
  9. They use "curly" vegetable culture in diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  10. Including the plant in the daily menu, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.
  11. Beneficial effect on the reproductive system of men and women.
  12. Salad promotes the production of gastric juice, improves digestion and metabolism. Physicians are often advised to include it in the diet of people suffering from constipation, gastritis and colitis . Useful properties of green salad are so effective that its use helps to heal ulcers and wounds in the stomach and intestines.
  13. It is recommended in the postoperative period, to restore the body's strength.

The most useful leaf salad is considered darker and bright in appearance - in it the content of vitamins and minerals is maximized.

How useful is a lettuce for women?

What is useful for a leaf salad for the body of a fairer sex? This healing "healer" is undoubtedly important and necessary for the health of any woman, primarily as a source of folic acid. It is able to regulate the hormonal background, relieve spasms during menstruation, reduces the likelihood of development of oncology of the breast and ovaries, facilitates the life of a woman during menopause.

Girls will probably be interested in knowing how useful a leaf salad is for the beauty of skin, nails and hair. Doctors-cosmetologists and dermatologists unanimously assert that green salad takes a leading position in the list of products for the preservation of youth and beauty. The maintenance in a salad of a considerable quantity of sulfur, silicon and phosphorus, and also other microcells effectively influences appearance, giving shines to shine, and to a skin - a healthy color, elasticity and radiance.

On the basis of this healing plant, various masks are made, restoring and nourishing the epidermis.

What is useful for a green leaf salad for pregnant women?

The value of green salad is expressed, first of all, in the content of folic acid, which is so necessary for the body of a pregnant woman. This substance significantly reduces the threat of miscarriage, reduces the risk of intrauterine anomalies in the fetus. And the content in the green salad of calcium and protein provides the baby the correct development.