Why can not you drink milk to adults?

Every year, the army of adherents of proper nutrition is growing, so it is understandable that people began to think about the benefits and harms of certain products. Many people are wondering why it is not possible to drink milk to adults, because this drink is given to a person from birth. There are many opinions on this matter and some of them are just a myth.

Why can not you drink milk to adults?

To begin with, let's look at common, but not confirmed, scientific opinions. Since milk is needed for cell division, which is important for children, when the growth of the body stops, a similar phenomenon can lead to the formation of tumors. Another opinion, why older people can not drink milk , is due to the fact that the human body lacks an enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of milk protein casein. As a result, milk is retained for a long time in the body, which negatively affects the digestive system.

Other arguments why the elderly can not drink milk:

  1. There are people who even have a glass of milk can trigger the development of an allergy.
  2. Anemia is a common disease among adults, and milk reduces the absorption of iron required for this problem.
  3. Many people with age, are overweight, but milk is a high-calorie product, so it should be consumed in limited quantities.
  4. With age, the organs of the digestive system become more sensitive, so milk can provoke frustration and adversely affect the microflora.
  5. If you drink milk more nourishing food, you may experience a feeling of heaviness and pain.

It is worth noting that not all shop milk is a natural product, and many manufacturers use powders and other additives that are dangerous to the body at any age. The best thing is to give preference to homemade cow or goat milk.