Fresh tomatoes - good and bad

Red ripe and juicy tomatoes are incredibly tasty. They make excellent salads, and just a fresh vegetable without salt and butter is also not a fool for taste. But eating fresh tomatoes can bring both benefit and harm. Therefore, it is necessary to know who can eat these vegetables , and who better to refrain from eating with them.

How useful are fresh tomatoes?

These vegetables contain a lot of vitamins, but the highest concentration in them reaches vitamin C. If you compare tomato and orange on the content of this vitamin, then a ripe vegetable, in fact, will not lose anything to the fruit.

Also in tomatoes is fiber, iodine, necessary for the thyroid gland, pectin, B vitamins , phosphorus, magnesium, folic and nicotinic acid. This list can be continued, but even such a short listing already indicates whether fresh tomatoes are useful. Eating these fresh ripe vegetables will help strengthen the blood vessels, improve the thyroid function, and help lose weight.

In addition, a substance such as lycopene, which contains the skin of these vegetables, helps reduce atypical cells, from which a malignant tumor can form. This also speaks of the benefits of fresh tomatoes.

Contraindications and harm

The tomato has contraindications, because with certain ailments they can do harm. First, they can cause an allergic reaction.

Secondly, they should not be eaten if a person has some diseases, for example, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, kidney and bladder diseases. In the presence of these ailments, tomatoes and dishes from them can cause exacerbations and pain. But, this is perhaps the only harm that these vegetables can bring.

Therefore, if a person does not have the diseases listed above, the consumption of fresh raw vegetables will only benefit.