Fish parrot - content

By multiple crosses of various species of fish, mostly cichlids , Taiwanese breeders gave the world wonderful hybrid creatures. They got the name of fish parrots and began to use rabid demand because of its original appearance. Let's look at them a little closer, answering the most common questions of novice lovers of these fabulous creatures.

Common issues related to parrotfish:

  1. How many fish do parrots live ? With good care, they reach up to 15 cm in length and will please the owner with his game for about 10 years.
  2. Compatibility of aquarium fish parrot . They differ in peace-loving disposition and only during the spawning period can they show some aggression. With the same size creatures in the normal period, parrots behave peacefully. But with very small species of these handsome men, it is better not to settle together, these cichlid relatives can count the malyavka food.
  3. Reproduction of fish parrots . Spawning begins at a year and a half. Fish begin to clean the area, dig holes and then lay eggs. Parents carefully look after the future offspring and after a few days (3-6 days), it appears in the light. Within a week the fry swim and feed themselves.
  4. Food for fish parrots . Together with dry specialized food saturated with carotene, it is recommended to use vegetative top dressing for them. Parrots adore bloodworm, shrimp, and corret. Many of them are such gluttons that they even suffer from overeating, so the owners should show a sense of proportion with respect to food, not too indulging their pets.

In our country, these fish appeared in the 90's and immediately became favorites for many aquarium enthusiasts. Aquarium fish parrot itself becomes an ornament of any aquarium. These creatures are such an amazing sight that interest in them does not dry out and 20 years after their appearance on the market.