Signs of pregnancy in cats

If you have a pet in your house - a cat, then you can know what signs of pregnancy in cats, to properly care for the animal and have time to prepare for the event.

The first signs of pregnancy in cats

What are the first signs of pregnancy in cats? You can identify the main:

  1. The onset of the heat period, but the animal will not ask you to release it to the street.
  2. Increase the amount of food that the cat begins to eat. It happens that for long periods of pregnancy cats begin to overeat.
  3. The nipples in the animal become more red (sometimes not all, but only some).
  4. If you missed the first signs of pregnancy in cats, then after five weeks, the animal will be well marked with an enlarged abdomen.

After 35 days after mating, the following symptoms will appear:

  1. Significantly enlarged abdomen in a cat.
  2. Some individuals may have attacks of morning toxicosis, which is quite typical of this condition.
  3. The cat, as before, periodically experiences a period of estrus, but the animal does not react at all to the cats, but, on the contrary, it can show aggression towards another cat living in the house.
  4. A cat requires a lot of attention from the owners.
  5. The animal tries to stay inside, having free access to the exit to the street. The main time the cat is asleep.

At later dates, the characteristic signs of pregnancy in cats is: incredible appetite and nesting.

In order for the cat to eat more caloric food, many veterinarians advise giving her food, designed for kittens.

If the cat began to look for a very warm, not swept draft, a solitary place, then such signs of pregnancy in cats suggest that within a couple of weeks she will have offspring.

Signs of pregnancy in British breed cats

For those hosts that contain thoroughbred cats, it is important to know exactly what mating was successful and the cat really became pregnant.

Let's consider the case when a British cat breeds in the house. These cats reach the childbearing age, about 7-9 months. However, for the first time, cats of this breed are advised not earlier than they reach 12 months of age. 1-2 days before knitting, feed the cat with herbal preparations .

But how can you determine on your own that the cat is pregnant? At the end of 2-3 weeks after mating, the first signs of a British cat's pregnancy may show up - in young animals that have not reached the age of 3, the nipples change their color and swell.

And to be 100% sure of her pregnancy, and not to confuse this state with a false pregnancy in a cat, signs at which are the same as in the present, visit with a veterinarian's cat. If he confirmed the joyful news, the cat of the British breed will need a special diet, so that the offspring are born healthy and strong.

At an early stage of pregnancy, the feeding diet should completely eliminate the fish, which destroys the B vitamins, thereby interrupting the intrauterine development of the kittens. However, the food should be rich in calcium, so the cat needs to be given cottage cheese. If the animal does not want to eat it, then just add calcium gluconate to the food. In other respects, the pregnancy in British breed cats takes place in the same way as in other representatives of the feline genus.

Signs of a false pregnancy in cats

But sometimes there is a false pregnancy in cats, the signs of which completely coincide with the signs of usual pregnancy:

But after your pet has become much more capricious and demanding to yourself, and you have already reconciled with the addition of a cat family, in 40 days everything passes and the cat begins to behave as if nothing had happened.