What can I drink to my nursing mother?

When a woman is breastfeeding, she has to reckon with the fact that certain habits and addictions, not only in food, but also in drinks, must give way to healthy and healthy foods. To understand what can and can not drink to a nursing mother, we consider all drinks, depending on the degree of danger and, conversely, usefulness, for the mother and the baby.


To alcohol, a nursing mother should have a special relationship. It is important to remember that alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and, therefore, quickly gets to the baby with milk. In addition, alcohol, like smoking, reduces the production of milk.

Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to drink beer or wine to a nursing mother, it is better to answer to yourself negatively. Even a small dose of alcohol can adversely affect a baby's health, not to mention the fact that a drunk mother is not able to adequately take care of the baby.

Strong non-alcoholic drinks

If you are accustomed to start the morning with a cup of strong coffee, and by no other means you can not bring yourself into a "working" state, you can afford one cup of your favorite drink per day. In doing so, try to reduce the concentration of coffee - put not a full spoon, and half.

If the mother and child do not have allergies, then you can drink coffee, cocoa, and chicory. The main thing is to choose such time that after feeding the child it was not time to sleep. Caffeine, penetrated into breast milk, can cause overexcitement and irritability of the child, as well as poor sleep or even his absence.

By the way, instead of coffee it is better to drink chicory. It is similar in taste to coffee, but it has a soothing effect. In addition, chicory positively affects the metabolism and intestinal motility.

Do not abuse and such an innocuous, at first glance, drink, like green tea. It contains a large concentration of caffeine. From green tea, drunk before going to bed, can not fall asleep, not only the child, but the mother herself. It is better to prefer mint tea - it will calm down after a busy day and will give a calm and deep sleep.

And green tea nursing can be drunk in the morning to get a charge of vivacity for the upcoming day. Moreover, experts believe that green tea is the most useful for nursing mothers.

Milk Drinks

As for milk and dairy products, it is better to eat homemade, not store analogues - milk, homemade homemade kefir and cottage cheese.

Drink milk with breastfeeding with caution. Often babies suffer from allergies to cow protein. Especially, if in the maternity home there was a lure from the mixture, but not colostrum. Or if the baby was born prematurely. In the risk zone, children who took antibiotics and those whose parents themselves are allergic to cow protein.

If you notice a child's redness on the skin after you have drunk the milk, take a break and see if these spots disappear. If the child's skin becomes clean, then the allergen is detected. In this regard, you will have to remove milk from your diet.

Kefir breastfeeding can and should be drunk, since it beneficially affects the intestinal microflora, resists constipation - the frequent companions of nursing mothers.

How much do I drink to a lactating mother?

Do not listen to those who advise you to drink as much liquid as possible to preserve the production of milk. The organism itself regulates this process and from the amount of liquid consumed "through force", the milk will no longer become. But swelling will be provided to you.

Drink as much as you need to quench your thirst. Usually, during the feeding the body requires more liquid, so teach yourself to put a glass with clean water near the bed for the night. During feeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which provokes thirst. Therefore, listen to your body, and act in accordance with it.