Cyst of the vagina

The cyst of the vagina is a rounded soft formation filled with a transparent liquid that forms on the side wall of the vagina or in its upper part. Typically, the cyst can reach a size of 1 to 10 cm. It should be noted that the cyst of the vagina is the most harmless neoplasm since it never degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

Cyst of the vagina - causes of formation

One of the causes of cysts is a congenital anomaly of development. It is formed from the embryological remains of the Müllerian, paraurethral and gartner passages.

Also, this formation can arise as a complication after surgery or as a result of trauma to the vaginal wall, which was complicated by the formation of a hematoma.

In addition, the cyst of the vestibule can be formed due to chronic inflammation of the bartholin gland, bartholinitis . This cyst is considered the most dangerous in comparison with others, as it can burst and spread a purulent infection throughout the body.

Cyst of the vagina - symptoms

As a rule, the cyst of the vagina does not have any characteristic symptoms and is often detected by a gynecologist only if it is planned. However, if the cyst is large, a sensation of a foreign body inside the vagina, discomfort and pain during intercourse, and problems with urination and feces may occur.

In the event that infection and suppuration occurred, there may be pathological leucorrhoea, signs of colpitis in women and an increase in pain.

How to treat the cyst of the vagina?

That cyst, which is relatively small and does not cause any inconvenience to a woman, does not require specific treatment. In this situation, enough periodic visits to the gynecologist and dynamic observation with the delivery of the necessary tests.

Otherwise, when the neoplasm increases in size or is complicated by suppuration, an operation is performed in which the cyst of the vagina is removed.

The safest and most gentle way to remove the vaginal cyst is considered to be marsupialization. This surgical intervention consists in dissection and removal of the liquid contents of the cyst, with the hemisphering of its walls to the mucous membrane. In the course of treatment, in which the vaginal cyst is removed completely, the mucous wall is cut, the cyst is removed, and then the sutures are placed on the walls of the vagina.

In the event that a cyst is found in a pregnant woman, further actions depend on the size of the education. Since at a small size because of its elasticity, the cyst can not interfere with the course of labor, it can not be removed. The exception is those cases when the cyst reaches a gigantic size and overlaps the birth canal. As a rule, in such situations, when it is impossible to remove it, a planned caesarean section is performed.

Treatment of vaginal cysts with folk remedies

Among other things, there are popular methods of treatment, which consist in the use of herbal decoctions. The medicinal herbs that can help cope with this disease include: St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle, mildew, sporach, etc. However, it should be noted that this therapy takes a long time to complete cure. Take broths from herbs must be done monthly during the year, with weekly interruptions.

It is important to remember that after removal of the cyst of the vagina can be formed repeatedly. Therefore, do not forget to visit the gynecologist regularly and conduct the necessary examinations.