Hormone replacement therapy with menopause

Each woman, reaching a certain age, inevitably faces the problem of negative manifestations of the climacteric period. These are frequent hot flashes, and the dryness of the vagina , and the extinction of the libido, and sleep disorders, and emotional problems. One of the ways to solve the above-mentioned problems with menopause and prolong the period of a full-fledged life of a woman who is offered by modern medicine is hormone replacement therapy.

Advantages of hormone replacement therapy in menopause

The use of hormonal treatment in menopause helps:

What hormones should I take with menopause?

Climax is the period when the secretion of the estrogen hormone decreases in the body of a woman. Due to the deficiency of estrogens, atrophic changes occur in the vagina, uterus, ovaries, mammary glands and external genitalia. The lack of estrogen also leads to the development of osteoporosis, the appearance of "hot flashes", sweating, irritability, neuroses.

Therefore, hormone therapy with menopause is based on artificial substitution in the body of the hormone estrogen.

There are three forms of estrogen:

The decision to apply the course of hormone therapy with menopause and its duration the doctor takes, based on how severe the symptoms of menopause.

After a few weeks of taking the medication, the woman notices the positive changes that persist during the treatment. After the completion of hormone replacement therapy with menopause, his symptoms may return again.

Contraindications to the use of hormone replacement therapy in menopause

Hormone replacement therapy is not prescribed for:

Alternatives to hormone replacement therapy for menopause

Another way to help women cope with the manifestations of menopause is the use of herbal hormones.

With menopause, they most often resort to the help of plant hormones - phytoestrogens, which can take on the functions of the estrogen of the female body.

Phytoestrogens are found in soybeans, whole grains of barley, wheat, red clover , a plant of the family of ruddy cymicfuge. The effectiveness of the use of natural hormones in menopause is confirmed by medical research. In addition to natural and artificial hormonal drugs, non-hormonal therapy is also used to treat the symptoms of menopause.

Such means include: