Condylomata in the vagina

The detection of genital warts by the gynecologist in the vagina of a woman is not uncommon. Small formations of a cone-shaped or leaf-like shape, representing the growth of the surface layer of cells, can increase up to 3 centimeters. The culprit of the disease has long been identified - this is a human papillomatosis virus. Spreading the contact path (including contacts of organs during sexual intercourse), papillomavirus infection often lives secretly in the body. With a decrease in immunity, the disease manifests itself.

Treatment of vaginal condylomas

All methods of treatment for the detection of condylomas in the vagina, regardless of location (they are located at the entrance to the vagina or inside), are reduced to mechanical removal of sprouting.

As selection methods are used:

  1. Exposure to the laser.
  2. The effect of ultra-low temperatures (cryotherapy).
  3. Cauterization (thermocoagulation). It can be in the form of an impact of an electron-beam or high-frequency radiation.
  4. Chemical coagulation (destruction by exposure to destructive chemical reactions).

A specific method is recommended by a gynecologist after examining the patient, conducting tests and explaining to the woman all the features of the manipulation.

The need for treatment of genital warts

  1. It is determined by the established connection of the human papillomatosis virus with the onset of uterine cancer and breast cancer.
  2. Vaginal condylomas cause unpleasant sensations.
  3. Condylomas inside the vagina cause difficulty and even impossibility of sexual intercourse.

The use of condoms and drugs that strengthen the body's immune status is advisable to prevent the possibility of contracting the virus and the development of the disease.