Oxytocin for abortion

Oxytocin is a synthetic hormone preparation and is similar in structure and action to a similar human hormone. Its action in the body is reduced to stimulation of smooth muscles, which in turn provokes uterine contractions. Due to this property, oxytocin is widely used in gynecology. In particular, the medicinal analogue of the natural hormone oxytocin is used for abortion.

Getting into the body of a pregnant woman, oxytocin can provoke a miscarriage, triggering contractions. For abortion, this drug is used mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. Although this method is less traumatic alternative to surgical termination of pregnancy, it is dangerous for the likely discovery of bleeding. Therefore, oxytocin is used as a means for abortion, while the embryo is small in size and has not yet had time to firmly attach to the wall of the uterus.

The use of oxytocin in pregnancy

But there are situations when its use is necessary on more serious terms, for example, in the case of a frozen pregnancy in the second and third trimesters. Surgical abortion in this situation would be difficult, it would be necessary to resort to intrauterine destruction of the fetus with the help of instruments, or to do cesarean section, and the introduction of oxytocin, in fact, provokes childbirth. Still oxytocin is used in situations of incomplete miscarriage to help the uterus to purify itself of the remains of a dead embryo and endometrium. Artificially stimulation of smooth muscles is caused not only in situations that require the termination of pregnancy, but also at birth in its late stages. So oxytocin is used in pregnancy at 41-43 weeks, when the birth does not occur naturally, and the transferred fetus begins to suffer from hypoxia. This hormone is used to intensify labor in the case of mild labor, which reduces the time of delivery.

Oxytocin, as a method of treatment

It is also appropriate to use oxytocin in unsatisfactory separation of the endometrium after a previous abortion or caesarean section.

With abundant periods or bleeding, oxytocin is prescribed in a complex therapy with blood-restoring means. Along with all the above, there are cases when oxytocin was used in stagnant processes in the mammary glands. The introduction of it into the body of a nursing woman causes an outflow of milk.

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin are:

The effects of oxytocin

Oxytocin is allowed for use only in a medical facility under the supervision of a physician. This precaution is effective because this hormone can cause a sufficiently strong stimulation of smooth muscles, which can lead to a situation of rupture of the uterus and cause the opening of bleeding.