How to make the vagina narrow?

With age, a lot of different changes take place in the woman's body. Including, the walls of the vagina lose their elasticity and elasticity, and its muscles are excessively stretched and become completely different from the beginning of the period of sexual intimacy with the partner. In addition, similar changes occur after childbirth - the vagina itself changes its structure somewhat, and its ring becomes noticeably wider and larger.

In some cases, all this gives the woman and her sexual partner some discomfort during sexual intercourse, so the fair sex often thinks about how to make the vagina narrower and restore his former elasticity.

Whether it is possible to narrow a vagina without operation and how it to make?

Most often in order to narrow the vagina at home, folk remedies are used, such as:

  1. Combine fresh mint leaves, lemon, oak leaves and red dry wine with a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 10. Thoroughly mix these ingredients and leave the resulting composition for a week in a warm and dark place so that it can infuse. After this, the prepared product should be filtered, moistened with a tampon and inserted into the vagina. In the absence of allergies, this tincture can be left in the vagina for the whole night.
  2. You can also combine in the same proportions natural lemon juice and potassium permanganate solution and introduce this mixture into the vagina just before sexual intercourse. This remedy really quickly and effectively narrows the vagina, but at the same time the natural flora that prevents ascending infection is eliminated, which can lead to serious complications.

Besides, to make the vagina narrow after birth, it is recommended to do such exercises as:

  1. Cut the muscles of the vagina and hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds, each time straining slightly stronger.
  2. As soon as possible, cut the muscles of the vagina and instantly relax them. Repeat this exercise until you have enough strength.
  3. Within 1-2 minutes, show up, as during childbirth.

If you perform this gymnastics 3 to 5 times a week, very soon you will feel incredible pleasure during sex with your loved one.