Hormonal spiral Mirena

Now, medicine offers a woman many contraceptives that help her prevent unwanted pregnancies and treat hormonal disorders. They are barrier, chemical or hormonal. Of all the variety of such funds are allocated intrauterine hormones. Their feature is that in addition to mechanical protection against sperm penetration and fertilization of the egg, they release hormones that serve as additional protection.

Hormonal spiral Mirena, created in Germany, is known for throwing the levonorgestrel hormone into the uterine cavity. He does not get into the blood of a woman, so it rarely causes side effects peculiar to tablets. This hormone, in addition to the contraceptive effect, has a therapeutic effect on the female genital organs. The most common hormonal spiral Mirena is used for uterine myoma . She does not cure this disease completely, but facilitates the condition of the woman and stops the development of the tumor. This tool helps a woman to do without an operation.

What is the hormonal intrauterine device Mirena?

It is made of safe plastic and has a T-shape. In the long part of it there is a container with a hormone. It is covered by a hyperfine membrane. Through it, levonorgestrel is ejected in small doses into the uterus and does not harm the body. At the end of the spiral is a loop with the threads fixed on it, by means of which it is removed. The extension at the other end of the spiral serves to anchor it in the uterine cavity.

The principle of the intrauterine hormonal spiral Mirena

It creates conditions under which conception becomes impossible:

The effectiveness of this spiral is much higher than that of any other contraceptive. It is established for five years, and after its removal after a while a woman can become pregnant. If the spiral is used for the treatment of fibroids, then after the expiry date they put it again. With the help of Mirena, you can lead a normal sexual life without the removal of the uterus and not be afraid of tumor development.

The influence of the Mirena spiral on the health of women

Most often it has a positive effect:

But, like any medical product, the Mirena spiral can also have a negative impact on the health of a woman. Therefore, not everyone can use this tool. The hormone spiral Mirena is placed only by the doctor, but the instruction for use should be studied by the woman herself, in order to know that she can wait. In addition, it is necessary in order to use the spiral only to those to whom it is not contraindicated. You can not put it in pregnancy, with inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitals or liver, malignant tumors or erosion of the cervix .

Hormonal spiral Mirena - side effects

But, despite this, those women who put the hormonal spiral - are happy. Side effects are rare, and the positive effect of its use is immediately apparent.