At what age does menopause begin?

Until recently, the problem of when to start menopause was rarely discussed publicly, and women had to look for symptoms on their own, fearing for the famous tides and other "delights" of such a state. For today, this issue is becoming increasingly important. To some extent, this is due to the fact that the life expectancy of a person is constantly decreasing, which causes a perfectly understandable desire to make each of its stages a full and full of joyful events. That is why an increasing number of educated women of the fair sex are seriously asked by the age at which menopause occurs, how to prepare for it and easier to transfer.

So, at what age is the menopause?

If we take into account the world data, then the average age of the onset of menopause ranges from 45 to 55 years. However, the same data show that five women out of one hundred men continue after their age has passed for 55 years. But this information does not give rise to any delusions, because such average age of the onset of menopause does not mean that this condition does not come to you in 40 years.

The time when the body enters its next stage of development, individually for each person. However, in the majority, it depends on the factor of heredity. Therefore, in order to prepare to meet menopause fully armed, it is worthwhile to ask your close relatives on the women's line when they have reached the menopause. Most likely, your age of menopause will be the same.

What can affect the age of onset of menopause in women?

In addition to the already indicated genetic factor, the following can affect the time of the arrival of menopause:

The age of the onset of menopause is rarely accurate, as a woman has to undergo three distinctive preparatory stages, during which she is completely deprived of the opportunity to give birth. The premenopausal begins at about 40 years and can last from 2 to 10 years. Then comes the turn of menopause and postmenopause.

A woman needs to understand that no doctor will tell her exactly at what age the climacterium will begin to alarm her with her symptoms. It is simply necessary to recognize that this is a logical development of events, and not an excuse for panic.