Royal Jelly - Beneficial Properties

Among all known beekeeping products, royal jelly is considered to be the most valuable - the beneficial properties of this mass are striking in the universality and vastness of positive effects on the human body. Not surprisingly, the second name for the nutritional formula is "royal jelly."

Royal jelly - product properties and composition

This mass is a thick substance of milky white, yellowish or cream color. In the sunlight the milk is poured with mother of pearl. Fresh and high-quality product has a sour taste with a sharp, burning aftertaste.

The main useful properties of royal jelly are due to its rich composition:

It is worth noting that the exact composition of royal jelly is still unknown, the described substance is studied approximately by 95%. In addition, it can vary depending on the strength of the bee family, as well as the age of the larva that consumes mass.

The presence of such a large number of vital nutrient components is necessary for the full ripening of bees, queens and drones up to the age of 3 days.

Royal Jelly - medicinal properties

The area of ​​influence of this remedy is very extensive due to the effects it produces on the body:

Useful healing properties of royal jelly allow using it for the following purposes:

As you can see, the properties of royal jelly are valuable for the treatment of most diseases of the vegetative, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, immune systems. This product is irreplaceable and to ensure the normal growth of children, to prevent infectious and viral diseases.

Royal Jelly - properties in the field of cosmetology

Uterine bees live 40 times longer than honey-bearing individuals. This is due to the fact that she lives all her life with milk, which produces an amazing rejuvenating effect.

In addition to the fact that the mixture prevents aging of internal organs and body systems, thanks to ingestion, it is useful to use for cosmetic procedures in the composition of masks, creams and serums. Regular application significantly increases the skin turgor , elasticity and elasticity.