Skin Turgor

The skin turgor is the degree of its elasticity and elasticity, which are determined by the health of the whole organism, by the necessary substances - vitamins, micro- and macro elements, and by the age of the person.

It's no secret that the older a person becomes, the less collagen is produced by the body, and therefore wrinkles appear, the skin sags under the weight of fat tissue and the cellular metabolism slows down.

When the cause of the decrease in the skin turgor becomes age, then it is rather difficult to resist natural processes. This requires laser procedures that deeply injure the skin without external destruction, and this contributes to the revival of metabolic processes. In addition to laser procedures, there are others that can rejuvenate the body no less effectively. But these are radical measures that can bring not only good, but also harm, and, in addition, they have a lot of contraindications.

If the skin turgor is lowered not because of age reasons, then simple methods will come to the aid, which together will lead to a good result. They are harmless and some of them are able to rejuvenate not only the skin, but the entire body.

How to improve the skin turgor?

If the turgor of the skin is lowered, it means that it's time to restore order in the body: for example, leave bad habits, normalize sleep patterns and organize a healthy lifestyle.

Internal renewal: increase of skin turgor with the help of diet

Gastrointestinal function greatly affects the skin condition. Violations in this area lead to pustular eruptions, gray complexion and flabbiness of the skin. In order for the gastrointestinal tract to work normally, you need to eat fruits and vegetables fresh, and in no case forget about meat, because this is the source of animal proteins.

It is very important that the chair also works well - constipation is very detrimental not only to the appearance in the form of small rashes on the face, but also on the entire body. Toxins poison it, and it is naive to believe that such an organism will have a healthy, supple skin.

Help come to the pharmacists: how to improve the turgor of the skin with the help of medications?

For the face skin vitamins E , A and Group B are very important. Periodically passing the vitamin courses, it is possible not only to strengthen the immunity, but also to improve the skin. Especially it concerns those who have dry skin, because vitamins E and A are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its hydration.

We strengthen the body and spirit: how to restore the turgor of the skin with the help of exercises?

Physical exercises are very important for strengthening the skin: blood, flowing to the skin, nourishing it with the most important substances, activating the cellular metabolism and the global improvement of the body. Yoga classes help to restore not only physical, but also mental balance, and yet psycho-emotional mood is very important in the struggle for beauty. If you get discouraged all the time, you will have to double your efforts in fighting for the skin turgor, and if you have a positive attitude, then the body will be able to tune in to the wave of youth.

Folk recipes - how to improve the face skin turgor?

To the skin was in a tonus, it needs to be cleaned and moisturized well. Use scrubs regularly - both for the body and for the face, as well as nourishing masks that promote the elasticity of the skin. It is also very useful massage, as it enhances blood circulation, which nourishes the skin with the necessary substances. Of folk scrubs, salt is very effective.

Cosmetic - how to enhance the face skin turgor?

To raise the face of the face, you can not only with the help of folk remedies, but also production. For example, Mary Kay has a microdermabrasion system, which consists of two means - a small-sized scrub and a serum that restores the skin. Similar kits can also be found in other companies, and they should not be ignored if your goal is elastic and elastic skin.