How much does the gum healing after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is a surgical operation. To ensure that the tissues have fully recovered, some time is needed, especially in cases where the gum has been cut. After carrying out this operation many people start to worry one question - how many the gum is healing after tooth extraction ? This is due to the fact that in all cases after the procedure the patient begins to be very concerned about the pain, and the holes often bleed.

What determines the timing of gum healing?

The process of wound healing begins immediately after the dentist has fully extracted the tooth. It is called secondary tension, since the circular ligament that is located around the tooth, is shortened, and the edges of the gum come together. In other words, in place of this place a new bone is formed and the gum is formed over it. How much the gum will heal after the removal of an ordinary tooth or wisdom tooth depends on various factors.

The first of these is the wound condition immediately after the procedure. The correctness of the dentist's work affects how long the gum is healing after tooth extraction. If a lot of mistakes were made by the surgeon or the technology of the operation was broken, the wound will be large and torn, and the gum will be worse tightened.

The second factor that determines the healing time is the possible attachment of the infection. Most often, the infection of the hole occurs during a complex extraction of the tooth, when there is a casting of small carious residues deep into the wound. This causes suppuration and the socket will be delayed for a very long time.

How many days does the gum healing after tooth extraction, depends on the area where the wound is located and the subsequent care of it by the patient. If you do not rinse your mouth regularly and do not treat the hole, food and bacteria from the oral cavity will enter it. Because of this, the suppuration and healing can be significantly prolonged. Secondary infection can get together:

What is the rate of healing?

Operation was successfully completed? So how much will the gum healing after tooth extraction? With a qualitatively performed procedure, the full convergence of the edges of the wound normally occurs within 14-18 days. At the same time, bone bunches form and a "young" bone develops.

During the operation, crushing and rupturing of surrounding tissues was carried out? How much does the gum healing after such a difficult tooth extraction? In this case, there is a lacerated wound. Its edges are very far apart, so the healing can be delayed by 50 days.