Hypertrophic gingivitis - what does the ailment signal and how to stop it?

With such a relatively rare disease as hypertrophic gingivitis, the pathological proliferation of gingival tissues is observed due to their chronic inflammation. The ongoing processes in this case are irreversible, therefore it is important to stop them as soon as possible - to conduct adequate treatment.

Hypertrophic gingivitis - causes

The considered form of gingivitis can arise as a separate disease or be a manifestation of periodontitis in a neglected stage. In the development of the defeat, key factors are played by local or common factors, often their combination is observed. It is possible to suspect what caused the disease, probably due to the prevalence of changes in the tissues. So, if hypertrophic gingivitis is localized (observed mainly in the zone of canines and incisors of both jaws), then probable provoking factors are:

The generalized type of pathology, in which tissue change is observed on the entire jaw or on both jaws, experts attribute to the following reasons:

Hypertrophic gingivitis - symptoms

There are two forms of hypertrophic gingivitis, characterized by a different clinical picture:

1. Fibrous form:

2. Edema:

Differential diagnosis of hypertrophic gingivitis

When conducting diagnosis of hypertrophic gingivitis, a specialist should exclude other pathologies with similar symptoms: fibromatosis, epulis, periodontitis . This disease differs from other types of periodontal damage that chronic hypertrophic gingivitis affects only gum tissue, and the alveolar process of the jaw bone remains intact. This can be confirmed by X-ray diagnostics. When microscopic examination of the gums, thickening of epithelial tissues without keratization is detected.

Than to treat a hypertrophic gingivitis?

After stating the exact diagnosis and finding out the factors that cause hypertrophic gingivitis, treatment begins with the elimination of these causes. It is not excluded that this will require consultation of doctors of other specialties. In cases where hypertrophic gingivitis is associated with taking medications, it is necessary to agree on a treatment regimen with a doctor who prescribed the medicine. The choice of methods is carried out taking into account the form of the disease and the level of damage. Conservative therapy and radical methods can be used.

Hypertrophic gingivitis, fibrous form - treatment

If hypertrophic gingivitis, a fibrous form, is diagnosed, then conservative techniques are not enough, and they often prove ineffective in this case. It is recommended to carry out an operative removal of pathological growths, which can be performed in one of the following ways:

In addition, removal of soft and hard dental deposits, caries treatment, local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory therapy, general immuno-strengthening therapy are prescribed. Patients are given advice on the prevention of recurrence of the disease, including proper oral care with the use of special pastes and rinses, dental floss.

Hypertrophic gingivitis, edematous form - treatment

Hypertrophic gingivitis, edematous form of which is considered less severe, in this case can be cured by means of medical and physiotherapy techniques, which include:

In the absence of positive results of the treatment, sclerosing therapy is recommended - the injection of medicines into the gingival tissues under local anesthesia. In addition, local use of glucocorticosteroids is prescribed for the removal of severe inflammatory processes, vitamin-mineral complexes.