Internal pimples on the face - causes

Acne on the face skin can appear not only in a teenager, but also in an adult formed person. The appearance of acne causes not only hormonal outbursts and disturbances, as is commonly believed, the field for their favorable "nucleation" is much wider.

Why do internal pimples appear on the face?

There are several main causes of internal pimples on the face:

Also, large internal pimples on the face can appear from non-observance of personal hygiene, after colds, gynecological or urological problems. For women, dermatologists recommend choosing cosmetics more carefully and only of high quality, and, if possible, refusing or reducing the frequency and amount of powder and toning cream, because these drugs are the most clogging pores .

What else do internal pimples appear on the face?

Often pimples appear from reduced immunity, bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.), stress.

If you have rashes on the skin are not individual, and affect extensive areas of skin or are of a systemic nature, then it is necessary to eliminate the cause of diseases of the internal organs so that acne on the face can be treated more effectively.

Sometimes after eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other internal organs, hateful acne also goes away.

The causes of the appearance of internal acne on the face are different and the success of the fight against them, mainly depends on how soon these causes will be identified and eliminated. Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to your hygiene and, if possible, more often to clean the face with special means or, at least, running water, even if no make-up was applied. Especially this applies to the category of people who have increased skin fatigue or have to work in hot conditions.

Subcutaneous acne in large numbers with a visible inflammatory manifestation may indicate the development of acne disease, which requires the supervision of a doctor and a painstaking approach to diagnosis and treatment. The factors that cause skin acne can be much greater, and the more qualified you get the treatment, the faster you can get rid of them.