Bruxism - Causes

Bruxism can not be called a common disease, but it still draws the attention of specialists, since its exact causes are not yet defined. Doctors still try to find differences between day and night bruxism in adults. To date, several provoking factors for the appearance of bruxism have been identified, which help to select an effective method of treating a patient.

Psychological causes of bruxism

Stress can cause many diseases, which later develop into more complex stages. The psychosomatics of bruxism is such that negative emotions, overstrain or prolonged monotony cause the appearance of the disease. Bad sleep and nightmares can also contribute to the development of the disease. Therefore, during treatment for bruxism, relaxation procedures and sedatives are prescribed, which bring the patient's nervous system back to normal. In addition, the patient must make his own efforts to get rid of the source of stress. If this does not happen, the treatment will be fruitless.

Heredity and congenital disorder

Oddly enough, many specialists attribute bruxism to a hereditary disease that can be transmitted through one, or even two generations. In this case, the treatment is much more difficult, since it is impossible to get rid of the underlying cause.

It's no secret that all babies in the womb are not formed in the same way, that's why many are born with congenital diseases and peculiarities of the organism, which can manifest themselves not at once. There is such a diagnosis as an inborn violation of the jaw apparatus, it can be the cause of bruxism.

An incorrect bite is another congenital disease that also provokes gnashing of teeth. In this case, surgery or prolonged treatment is required, which will gradually correct the bite.

Improperly placed seal

The scrape of teeth can appear after dental operations:

As a result of an improperly installed prosthesis or dental filling, the natural shape of the tooth, or even a row of teeth, may be disturbed, because of this a creak appears. This reason is the most innocuous, since it will get rid of it quite simply. To do this, the dentist must correct the shape of the tooth or crown, and the creak will stop, so bruxism in this case is treated quickly enough.

The listed reasons often find their confirmation, therefore, based on them, specialists prescribe a treatment that often turns out to be effective.