How to get rid of acne in 1 day?

Girls with problem skin, suffering from recurrent rashes on the face, not by hearsay know how many troubles deliver pimples, especially those that appear unexpectedly on the eve of a responsible event or a solemn event. If this happens, then the question becomes urgent as to whether it is possible and how quickly to get rid of acne for 1 day.

How to remove acne in 1 day?

As you know, the pimple is an inflammatory element, which is the result of blockage and inflammation of the sebaceous gland. This element takes several days to "ripen", after which the inflammation goes on recession and the pimple disappears, even without additional intervention. And, unfortunately, no drugs and methods can accelerate these processes so that the pimple is gone in one day. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to correct the situation a little, by reducing the swelling and redness, so that the flaw on the face could be more easily masked by cosmetic means.

Immediately it should be warned that in no case to get rid of the "fresh" acne for 1 day, you should not try to squeeze them, but also to steam out. These procedures, on the contrary, will exacerbate the situation, lead to even greater damage to the skin, the spread of infection, increased swelling and redness.

Getting Rid of Acne in 1 Day

At home, more acceptable and effective in such a problem is the use of the following tools:

  1. Egg white. Mask from acne from whipped egg white will allow for 1 day to make them less noticeable. To do this, just need to whip the protein to a foam and pinpoint it on the rashes. Wash off after 20 minutes with cool water. The procedure should be repeated several times.
  2. Essential oil of tea tree. This tool is also recommended to be applied in a pure form to the pimple several times a day, which will help reduce inflammation.
  3. Birch tar. Significantly noticeable pimple can be, lubricating it with tar, which has a powerful drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Toothpaste. Non-standard use of toothpaste in the fight against acne is quite effective due to the content of disinfectant and drying components in it, as well as a slight clarifying effect. It should be applied locally. But the toothpaste used must be white and preferably without lauryl sulfate.
  5. Vasodilating drops. This tool can be used in the most urgent cases. Due to the ability to narrow the lumen of the capillaries when applied to the skin, it can temporarily remove swelling and redness. Suitable for any medication for the nose or eyes without additional additives - Naphthyzine, Galazoline, Vizin, etc. All you need to do is moisten a small piece of cotton in the solution and apply for a couple of minutes to the pimple.