Cream for feet from cracks on the heels

Cracks on the heels not only give the feet a poor look, but also cause painful sensations, and also are the "entrance gate" for infection. To prevent the worsening of the problem, it is necessary to fight it from the very beginning of its occurrence. In unopened cases with cracks on the heels, you can cope with special creams. Consider how to choose a foot cream from cracks on the heels, what components should be included in it, and how to use it properly.

Choice of cream for cracked heels

The cream from the cracks on the heels should have the following effect:

The composition of a good tool should include several active components that provide all of the above effects. As such substances in the cream for legs from cracks on the heels may contain:

How to apply a cream against cracks on the heels?

To obtain the maximum effect before applying cream (at night) it is recommended:

  1. Steam the feet in a warm bath.
  2. Exfoliate the keratinized tissue with pumice or peeling for the feet.
  3. Dry skin thoroughly.
  4. Applying a remedy, it is desirable to put on coton socks.

Effective creams for feet from cracked heels

According to the reviews, the most effective are the following: