Cough after bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious damage to the respiratory system. The disease develops against the background of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. The main symptom of the disease is a severe cough. Accordingly, the main treatment should be aimed at its elimination. But as practice shows, very often even after bronchitis is cured, the cough remains. This phenomenon makes all patients nervous because they took serious therapy, why did not the main symptoms of the disease disappear?

Why does not it cough after bronchitis?

Immediately it should be noted that a cough that persists after an illness is not always terrible. On the contrary, after inflammation of the bronchi this is quite normal. Thus the body tries to purify itself. With cough from the bronchi come dead particles of the mucosa, the remaining microbes, dangerous products of their activities, allergens and other irritating microparticles.

What is the residual cough after bronchitis?

There are two main types of residual cough:

A wet cough is considered normal. It is characterized by active separation of sputum. Experts call it productive.

An unproductive or dry cough after bronchitis is a suspicious phenomenon:

  1. First, with it, there is no cleansing of the bronchi.
  2. Secondly, because of the dry cough, the condition of the mucosa in particular and the lungs in general worsen. Delicate tissues of respiratory organs against this background may even begin to bleed. Thirdly, ineffective spasms greatly exhaust the patient.

How long does the cough after bronchitis?

Doctors consider normal residual cough, which lasts for one to two weeks. At the same time, every day it should become more and more mild and gradually come to naught.

If the cough persists longer, and the patient's condition does not improve, it is necessary to consult doctors.