Sore eyes - what to do?

To understand what to do, if your eyes are very sore, you should understand the provoking factors, eliminating them at the first stage of pain management. Pain can be associated with the type of activity of a woman. For example, if she spends a lot of time at the computer or performs small work that requires tension in the eyes. The causes of the appearance of pain in the eyes there is a lot and they can differ significantly from each other, while the nature of pain and its localization is very important. Having determined these factors, you can identify the cause of the problem.

The eye hurts - what should I do?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what causes the pain of the eye from within. The first to head the list of causes of infectious diseases in the nasal sinuses. They provoke inflammation of neighboring muscles, including the eye muscles, which causes pain. In this case, you need to get rid of the root cause, that is, from the infection and then an unpleasant symptom will pass.


With headaches, we strain the facial muscles, which become a push for the appearance of pain. At the same time, an unpleasant sensation can only be on one side, so some people can come to the doctor to find out what to do if the right eye hurts. In this case, the doctor prescribes exactly the same therapy as with pain in both eyes:

Inflammation of the choroid of the eyeball

The disease is called uveitis . This disease is accompanied by a trauma in the eyeball. In this case, the patient should consult an ophthalmologist who will prescribe the proper treatment.

Wrong vision correction

This is another reason for the appearance of pain from the inside. Mistakenly selected lenses , as well as their poor quality, can cause pain, which is accompanied by other uncomfortable sensations:

Let's say you bought new glasses or lenses. But what if after a while you started to worry about constant pain, and your eyes and eyelids itch? So, you need to see a doctor so that he can appoint new lenses that are definitely suitable for correcting your vision.

But this does not exclude the microtrauma of the cornea. When wearing contact lenses, the cornea daily experiences stress, microtraumas appear on its surface, accompanied by painful symptoms, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation and reddening of the conjunctiva. To restore the tissues of the ocular surface, after trauma, as an auxiliary therapy, agents with dexpanthenol, a substance with a regenerating effect on tissues, in particular, Korneregel eye gel, can be used. It has a healing effect due to a maximum concentration of 5% * dexpantenol, and the carbomer it contains prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface due to the viscous texture. Correleregel persists on the eye for a long time due to the gel-like form, it is convenient in application, it penetrates into the deep layers of the cornea and stimulates the process of regeneration of the epithelium of the superficial tissues of the eye, promotes healing of microtraumas and elimination of pain sensations. The drug is applied in the evening, when the lenses have already been removed.


If you often drive a car, spend a lot of time at the computer or do small work, then you may have sudden sharp pain in the eyes. This is caused by overwork. In this case, the ophthalmologist appoints various vitamins, drops for the eyes, which moisturize the eyeballs and relieve inflammation. Also, experts recommend regularly during the day to do a ten-minute gymnastics, which reduces eye fatigue. Exercises are quite simple, and their implementation does not take much time:

  1. Eyes need to "draw" the numbers from 1 to 10.
  2. To look first into the distance, then to focus on the closely located object.
  3. Raise your eyes up, down, look left and right in order.

Dry eye syndrome.

Dry eye syndrome. Working air conditioners and heating systems, radiation of computer monitors, pollen of plants, dust, cosmetics, gassed air, wearing contact lenses, bright sunlight affect the human eyes daily. These factors can cause SSH, dry eye syndrome: tears, sensation of a grain of sand in the eye, dryness, pain. This problem worries about 18% of the world's inhabitants. To eliminate the inconvenience that causes dryness of the cornea of ​​the eye, the surface of the visual organs need protection and prolonged moisturizing. People who occasionally feel discomfort in the eyes can prescribe eye drops of complex effects, for example, Stilavit. The formula of this solution includes a complex of moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and healing substances that can save a person from the feeling of sand caught in the eye and other unpleasant sensations associated with dryness of the cornea.


It is another common cause of pain in the eyes. The disease involves inflammation of the mucosa, which provokes redness of the eyes and pain in the eyeball. In this case, there are discharges that complicate the course of the disease. The same unpleasant sensations can cause myositis. It is a disease of the muscles of the eyes. In addition to regular unpleasant sensations, a person experiences severe exacerbated pain when he moves the eye sockets.

Summing up, it can be said that the cause of the pain is quite different, but in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor, since this unpleasant symptom signals a problem that is not able to pass by itself.

* 5% is the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among the eye forms in the RF. According to the State Register of Medicines, State Medical Products and Organizations (Individual Entrepreneurs) engaged in the manufacture and manufacture of medical devices, as well as from data from open source producers (official sites, publications), April 2017

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult an expert.