White tongue in infants

As soon as a child appears in the house, anxiety for his health and well-being settles with him. And the smaller the child, the greater the anxiety, because it is more likely that mom will not notice signs of impending illness on time. A crumb can not yet say that it worries where it hurts. It remains only to rely on external manifestations of malaise. It so happens that when you look at your treasure in your mouth, your mother notices that the tongue of the baby is white. To panic and immediately think about thrush is not worth it, because the reason why the child's tongue is white is banal - for some time after feeding on it there are some milk particles. It will take a quarter of an hour, the raid will wash away with saliva and become much weaker. And if the baby drinks water, the raid will disappear and that faster.

It is quite another matter if in the course of time the white language of the newborn remains the same white, and when trying to clean the plaque beneath it, inflamed mucosa is found. White cheesy coating on the tongue of the baby is nothing but a sign that the kid has candidiasis or in other words the thrush. Other signs of this problem are:

Thrush (candidymytic stomatitis) is an inflammatory process caused by yeast-like Candida fungi. These fungi surround the baby in everyday life everywhere-on the surface of toys and nipples, in the air, in foodstuffs, and, consequently, and catch them, the baby can come into contact with another person, with food or by air. In a small amount they are in the human body, and if everything is in order with immunity, they do not show themselves by themselves, working for the benefit of the person in the microflora. But if immunity weakens as a result of illness, there is a violation of the balance of microflora due to a change in the hormonal background or taking antibiotics, the reproduction of fungi becomes uncontrolled. This causes inflammation on the mucous membranes and skin, and toxins released during the life of fungi significantly weaken the body's defenses.

The causes of thrush in the mouth in a child

Most often, the baby is infected with thrush from an infected mother in the process of giving birth, and it does not matter whether the baby was born naturally or by a caesarean section. Indirect causes of candidiasis in infants can also serve as dry air in the room, overheating of the baby and lack of walks. All these factors contribute to the fact that the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth of the child dry up and lose their protective functions.

If the baby suffers from thrush, parents should be alert, because it means that the immunity of the baby is already broken. It is necessary to approach the treatment of thrush with all responsibility, so that it does not become chronic, which can lead to serious allergic reactions and a decrease in the immunity of the baby. In case of poor-quality treatment, the infection can Spill over into internal organs, hit the genital area, penetrate the blood and cause sepsis. Children who are born before the term, the consequences can be particularly difficult, due to the fact that their immune system is very weak.

How to get rid of white plaque?

To treat thrush in infants usually use 2% solution of baking soda. On the surface, where a white cheesy coating is visible - on the tongue, mucous cheeks and gums, it is gently removed using gauze soaked in soda solution. If you grab the disease in the initial stage, then several sessions of such treatment will be enough. In more neglected cases antifungal ointments and solutions will be used. To achieve a lasting effect, complex treatment of mother and child is necessary.