Developmental books for children 2-3 years old

Reading books is an integral part of proper upbringing and full development of the child at any age, and starting to introduce crumbs to various literary works is necessary from the very first days of life. Although very young children can not read independently , this does not mean that they do not need books.

On the contrary, today there are many good development books for the youngest children, including 2-3 years, which should be used during classes with the child. Such benefits can be designed for various purposes - some of them introduce crumbs to letters, basic shapes and colors , others - to the objects around them and the links that exist between them.

In this article we will tell you which literary works can be useful for the full and diverse development of the baby in the age range from 2 to 3 years.

Developing books for children from 2 years old

Many young mothers note that to work with their children in 2-3 years they are very much helped by such developing books as:

  1. A. and N. Astakhov "My first book. The most beloved. " This remarkable book with bright and high-quality illustrations is just an indispensable tool for acquaintance of crumbs with the objects of the world around him. Kids with great pleasure leaf through thick pages and view interesting pictures, and every day natural curiosity tells them more and more questions.
  2. M. Osterwalder "The Adventures of Little Bobo", publishing house "CompassGid". This book clearly demonstrates the many everyday situations that the child constantly faces in his own life - going to sleep, eating, walking, swimming and so on.
  3. Encyclopedia "Animals" publishing house "Machaon". Perhaps the best book for two or three year old boys and girls with the image of all kinds of animals. The pictures in her so much like children, that they are with great pleasure again and again return to their viewing.

Also for lessons with two-to-three-year-olds, you can use other children's development books, for example:

  1. N. Terenteva "The first book of the baby."
  2. O. Zhukova "The first textbook of the baby. Allowance for children from 6 months to 3 years. "
  3. I. Svetlov "Logic".
  4. O. Gromova, S. Teplyuk "The book is a dream about that very Bunny, about birthdays, about big and small and quiet verses. Allowance for crumbs from 1 to 3 ".
  5. Series of works by RS Berner about the adventures of the bunny Carlchen.
  6. Tests for assessing the level of development and completeness of knowledge of 2-3 year old children from the "Smart Books" series.
  7. Blue class "School of the seven gnomes" for 2-3 years of age.
  8. Developing notebooks "Kumon" for cutting, drawing, folding, etc.