Artichoke medicine

Artichoke is a perennial plant of the Astrope family. His unrevealed flowers are brightly lilac-like thistles. Artichoke is revered by culinary specialists for many centuries - from the fleshy flower bud of the plant, very original dishes are obtained. Artichoke is famous for its medicinal properties, which will be discussed below.

Artichoke in medicine

From the plant extract extract, which is now sold in pharmacies as part of preparations of various forms of leave, among which:

  1. Hofitol (tablets).
  2. Artichoke-astropharm (tablets).
  3. Cynariks (oral solution, tablets).
  4. Artichoke extract (dragee, solution for injection, solution for oral administration).

Medicines based on artichoke belong to the category of cholagogue and hepatoprotectors.

Therapeutic properties and composition of artichoke

With its choleretic, diuretic and hepatoprotective action, artichoke extract is due to the phenolic compound of cinnamon, phenolic acids and bioflavonoids that make up the plant.

Artichoke removes toxins from the body, including nitro compounds, heavy metal salts, alkaloids, restoring liver function.

Thanks to the content of carotene, vitamins B2 and B1, ascorbic acid, inulin and other active substances in the plant, preparations based on the extract stimulate the production of co-enzymes by hepatocytes, affect the metabolism of lipids and ketone bodies, reduce cholesterol, increase the antitoxic function of the liver and improve metabolism. Therefore, artichoke is also used as a medicine for weight loss.

The plant extract has a choleretic effect, stimulating the secretion of bile salts and increasing the amount of bile produced. In this case, the drug positively affects the work of the intestine and reduces gas formation.

Artichoke medications are diuretics and reduce blood levels of nitrogen-containing substances.

Indications for artichoke application

Preparations containing artichoke extract are shown to people suffering from:

In addition, artichoke as a medicine is indispensable for various kinds of intoxication: medicamentous, alcoholic, food.

Dosage and schedule for taking preparations from an artichoke extract should be prescribed by a doctor.

Who artichoke is harmful?

Like any medicine, artichoke has certain contraindications. Do not accept it when:

During pregnancy, the drug should be taken with a doctor. Scientists investigating the properties of artichoke, came to the conclusion that the plant improves the course of the disease with pre-eclampsia, and in the early stages is an effective means of preventing gestosis . During lactation, you can not take artichoke extract. It is contraindicated for children under 12 years.

Artichoke in folk medicine

It is believed that the tradition of using artichoke as a medicine came from Vietnam, where tea is made from a plant. If you do not trust tablets, you can prepare artichoke infusion, in the healing properties and naturalness of which there will be no doubt.

The recipe . Dry leaves of artichoke (10 g) are poured into 250 ml of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes under the heater (in a thermos or under a towel), add a spoonful of honey. The received product is drunk twice.