Motilak - indications for use and all the subtleties of taking the drug

Some diseases of the digestive tract are accompanied by unpleasant clinical manifestations, which can not be managed by diet. Motilac is an effective and safe medication for fighting such symptoms. It acts quickly and is extremely rarely accompanied by negative side effects.

Motilac - composition

The described preparation is based on a prokinetic chemical compound, a dopamine receptor antagonist. The active ingredient of Motilac is 10 mg of domperidone in each tablet. The structure of this component is similar to neuroleptics, and the effect from the reception is identical to metoclopramide. It has the following actions:

There are additional substances that contains Motilac - the composition of the tablet includes:

Another form of the drug in question are trousers for resorption of Motilac - indications for use are identical to tablets in the shell. They also contain 10 mg of domperidone, but the auxiliary ingredients in this case are as follows:

Tablets Motilak - indications for use

The main symptom from which the prescribed medication is prescribed is vomiting. For any origin of this phenomenon, it is recommended that Motilak - indications include nausea caused by:

Other pathologies, which stop Motilak - indications for use:

How to take Motilac?

Before buying and using this medication it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist and establish a correct diagnosis. It is important that a specialist appoint Motilak - the use of such a drug without good reason is fraught with changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Stimulation of muscular motility can adversely affect the work of the digestive organs.

How to take Motilac - before or after eating?

If the agent in question is applied in a short course, during the appearance of acute and subacute symptoms of the disease, it is allowed to drink or dissolve (1-2 capsules) during the day (3-4 times) regardless of food intake. With chronic pathologies and the need for constant use of the drug Motilak appointed before meals, for 15-30 minutes. Dosage in such cases - 10 mg domperidona (1 lozenge or tablet) 3 times for 24 hours.

How many days does Motilac take?

The recommended duration of the therapeutic course is 10 days. If it is exceeded, undesirable side effects may appear. The value of how long it takes to take Motilac without interruption, sometimes increases up to constant medication. This applies to severe chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with irreversible changes in the digestive organs.

Motilac for vomiting

When the nausea is very severe and accompanied by an abundant release of gastric masses into the esophagus, you should drink 20 mg of domperidone 3 times in the afternoon, and take an additional dose at bedtime. With periodic attacks of vomiting, Motilac tablets are prescribed in the standard portions indicated above. In such situations, the drug is used up to 10 days and only after the recommendation of the gastroenterologist.

How to take Motilac from constipation?

This drug is intended for the treatment of stomach diseases, it also has a prokinetic effect on the intestines. As part of his complex treatment, sometimes used Motilak - indications for use do not include constipation, but domperidone helps to accelerate the evacuation of stool. In addition, this substance stimulates peristalsis, preventing stagnation of feces. Drug Motilak for violations of defecation is used according to the standard scheme of therapy. For 10 days you need to drink three times or dissolve 1 tablet of the drug.

Motilac - contraindications for use

With care, careful selection of individual dosages and duration of treatment, the proposed remedy is taken in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency. There are cases when it is forbidden to use Motilac - contraindications:

Motilac - side effects

Negative symptoms associated with domperidone therapy are very rare. Motilac - side effects:

A number of undesirable clinical events may occur due to an overdose of Motilacom:

When using the drug, it is important to study its interaction with other pharmacological agents. Bioavailability and efficacy of the medication is reduced or completely neutralized if simultaneous reception is carried out:

Acceleration of absorption of active ingredients of Motilac, increase of its concentration in the blood is promoted by:

The active ingredient is well compatible with some drugs, because they do not mutually affect the content of active chemicals in biological fluids:

Motilac during pregnancy

Most of the expectant mothers at the very beginning of the nausea suffer from nausea due to toxicosis. Indications for the use of Motilac do not imply its administration for this symptom. Studies that confirm or disprove the effect of domperidone on the fetus have not been carried out, so pregnant women are appointed with particular caution, if there are direct indications. The use of medication is advisable only in those situations where its positive therapeutic effect is higher than the estimated risk for the child.

It is important to properly drink Motilac tablets - the drug should be administered strictly in accordance with the individual gastroenterologist prescriptions. Do not take more than 1-2 lozenges or capsules in one time, exceed the maximum daily dosage of 30-60 mg of the active ingredient, use the drug in the absence of readings. Violation of the recommendations of a specialist is fraught with the development of severe endocrine and hormonal pathologies.