Creatinine - the norm in the blood of women

Creatine is the final product of protein metabolism, which is excreted from the body through the kidneys. The indices of creatinine in the blood reflect the functioning of the kidneys and the state of the muscle tissue. The creatinine content is detected through a biochemical blood test, while it should be borne in mind that its norm in women and men is different.

What are the norms of creatinine in the blood of women? Experts will tell about it.

The level of creatinine in the blood - the norm in women

The rate of creatinine in the blood of women is in direct relationship with age. Reference indicators for age categories are as follows:

Thus, before reaching puberty, the norm is lower by approximately 9 units, and after 50 years the average creatinine in women is on average about 9 units higher.

In pregnant women, there is often a significant decrease in the indicator relative to the norm. A very common situation, when a woman waiting for a child, after learning the results of a blood test, is horrified that creatinine is almost twice as low as normal. In fact, this is a temporary phenomenon associated with the peculiarities of physiology.

Preparation for delivery of the assay for creatinine

In order for the results of the assay to determine the creatinine content to be the most reliable, one should:

  1. Exclude physical activity for two days.
  2. During the day, do not take alcohol, strong tea and coffee; eat less protein food.
  3. For 8-10 hours before visiting the laboratory do not eat, and drink only water without gas.
  4. Before taking blood, relax and sit for at least 10 minutes in a calm state.

Causes of changes in the level of creatinine in the blood

High level of creatinine

Increase of creatinine, above all, indicates pathological processes in the kidneys that have developed as a result of infection, malignant tumor, insufficient inflow or outflow of blood. Other reasons for increasing the amount of creatinine are:

In addition, the level of creatinine is elevated in those patients who prefer meat food. Taking certain medications, including barbiturates, sulfonamides, thiazide diuretics, etc., can also lead to an increase in the content of creatinine in the blood.

Attention! Increase in the concentration of creatinine is often observed in patients prone to obesity.

An increase in the level of creatinine is accompanied by symptoms such as:

Low level of creatinine

The level of creatinine below the norm can be caused by:

Long-term use of corticosteroids can also cause a decrease in the level of creatinine.

As you can see, the corresponding concentration of creatinine in the blood is a sign of health. Figures corresponding to normal indices are noted in those people whose organs and body systems function without significant problems.