What can be pregnant for heartburn?

A few pregnant women were lucky not to know what heartburn is. This unpleasant condition is almost every second woman, especially when the period increases. There are no special means specifically for women in the situation, and therefore should discuss this issue with the doctor, if the problem is very uncomfortable.

Why does heartburn occur in pregnant women?

There are two explanations for this state. Firstly, the changed hormonal background promotes relaxation of the entire musculature, including the sphincter separating the contents of the stomach and esophagus. With this nothing can be done, because the body is arranged like this. To aggravate the situation can drugs taken by a pregnant woman, for an additional relaxation of muscles, like No-shpa, which are assigned during the threat of interruption.

Secondly, the longer the gestation period, the stronger the uterus grows and squeezes all internal organs. It is especially difficult to have a stomach after eating. He overflows with food and in a compressed state the sphincter is no longer able to keep the acid, which is thrown into the esophagus, causing the notorious heartburn.

How can a pregnant woman get rid of heartburn?

To begin with, that completely this trouble can not be won - it will pass, as soon as the baby is born. It remains only to wait and try to ease the state a little. Means for heartburn for pregnant women are mainly related to folk methods, and are completely harmless, except, perhaps, soda. It should not be taken at all, it can harm the digestive organs and cause swelling.

From what helps from heartburn to pregnant women, it is worth noting the correct diet . Yes, it is the regular fractional food intake that will allow the stomach not to stretch too much. You can not eat enough before going to bed - after the last meal you need to stand for at least three hours before going to bed. Food should not be fatty, heavy and full of spices, too hot or cold.

The doctor can find out what can be pregnant for heartburn. It is usually advised to drink milk, a decoction of chamomile mint. But it's better to refuse tea and coffee with sugar. You need to drink enough water, but not during meals, but between meals. Immediately after eating, you can not lie down, better to sit or stroll. At night, it is advisable to sleep on a high pillow, although it is not very convenient.

Some pregnant women note the relief of the condition, when used in moderation, mineral water, such as Borjomi, Essentuki, etc. It is only necessary to release the gas before using it.

Sometimes, when folk remedies do not help, prescribe pills for heartburn, although they are not designed specifically for pregnant women. This is Maalox, Fosfalugel or Smecta . It helps a garlic extract in tablets or capsules.