Sleeping pills for children

It happens that the child shows increased activity during the day and can not calm down in the evening. Parents have difficulty putting the sleeping baby to bed. Restless sleep and the difficulties of going to sleep take a lot of energy not only from the child, but also from the parents. And sometimes they jump to the idea of ​​giving the child sleeping pills so that the child quickly falls asleep. However, it is worth remembering the possible consequences after applying such radical measures.

Can children give sleeping pills?

As a sedative, mild sleeping pills for newborns and for children under one year are not recommended for use due to various consequences:

It should be remembered that, first of all, it is necessary to look for the root cause of sleep disturbance, why the child does not sleep. And the reasons can be different:

But the most common reason for the difficulty of retiring to bed is the child's attempt to attract attention to his person. After all, when he takes a long time to sleep, then all the attention is paid to his parents only, which was so lacking for the child during the day. Thus, he tries to compensate for the lack of parental attention.

What drugs can I use to put the baby to bed?

As a hypnotic, children can be given a tincture of motherwort or hawthorn, valerian (only in tablets, since in liquid form, valerian for alcohol), dramina, valium, relanium. There are also special children's products: Bayu-Bai, Zaychonok. It is important to understand that there are no sleeping pills for children, you can only use soothing. It is clear that sometimes parents would like to use such drugs to quickly calm the baby and put him to sleep. However, do not forget that sleeping pills is a potent medicine that has an adverse effect on the nervous system of a baby who is not yet strong. Therefore, you should look for other ways to put the baby to bed:

Only attention from the parents, their support and love can help the baby fall asleep in a calm environment.