Cusuener's wands

Among the large number of didactic manuals for the development of mathematical and creative abilities, Cuisener's wands have no equal. The author of the rods is a Belgian mathematician, whose name they were named.

What is the methodology of Cuisener?

With the help of Counters of Cuisiner, children all over the world are pleased to develop fine motor skills, train memory, learn the basics of geometry, compare quantities, shape, volume and color. The set consists of sticks of different size and color, due to which children quickly remember the composition of numbers and learn the basis of mathematical actions. The classical set of Cuisener consists of 241 counting sticks sorted strictly according to the scheme:

The wooden or plastic sticks of Cuisenaire have a length of 1 to 10 cm. The sticks of the same length are painted in the same color. Each stick displays a specific number in cm, combined with a common shade of the rod form a "family". Each "family" displays the multiplicity of numbers, for example, the "red family" includes numbers that are divided by 2, the "green family" includes numbers that are divided by 3, etc.

There are simplified sets of chopsticks for working with preschoolers, which include 144 and 119 counting sticks.

How to make the sticks of Cuisener with their own hands?

A set of sticks is easy to make independently, in this case they will be flat, and not in the form of a parallelepiped, as in the original. Sticks are made of colored cardboard 2 cm wide and of different lengths: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 cm. Such large sticks will be convenient for the baby to take. Some parents draw on each wand a figure that corresponds to the length of the wand. But this is fundamentally wrong, because according to the methodology of working with Cuisaner sticks, children should learn to correlate the size of the wand with the figures. Gradually, children understand that each wand has its own unchanged number, so for the example of rods, it will be easier for them to learn arithmetic operations in the future. If you attach a magnet to the manufactured sticks, then you can practice on a magnetic board, which is always more interesting for children. Keep the sticks in the box with separate cells for each color, so that after the session the child himself could sort them into places.

How to work with Cusuener sticks?

There are many variations of exercises for working with chopsticks. All tasks can be divided into blocks:

1. Tasks for familiarization with sticks.

2. Assignments to study color.

3. Tasks for the measurement.

4. Assignments for the construction.

5. Tasks for the composition of the number.

6. Logical tasks with chopsticks.

Wands are interesting in that play and productive engage with them will be able to children of different ages, so European families such sticks have long become leaders among developing toys.