Why do children have nightmares?

Almost every one of us is familiar with nightmares, or terrible dreams. People who are exposed to this phenomenon often wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and can not sleep for a long time. Quite often, the appearance of nightmares is preceded by a significant serious event, for example, the death of a loved one.

Often terrible dreams are harassed and toddlers, usually at the age of three to five years. The child in this situation sleeps restlessly, rushes around the crib, can cry or cry in a dream. When he wakes up, he calls mom or dad and can not fall asleep without their presence.

In this article, we'll talk about why children have nightmares, what to do in such a situation and how to help the baby?

Why does the child have terrible dreams?

Most often, nightmares visit a child when he is sick and is feverish under the influence of high temperature. In this situation, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor and give the crumb antipyretic drugs. If nightmares in children are not associated with a disease and a rise in temperature, the reason, most likely, lies in the family.

Often parents are so addicted to finding out their own relationship that they forget about the child. The kid, frightened by scandals and hysterics, can not sleep in the evening calmly, and at night can wake up from the unpleasant dream that has visited him. In the same situation, there are children who are brought up in excessive severity. If for any fault Mom starts shouting loudly, and Dad grabs the belt - nightmares can not be avoided.

In addition, the cause of terrible dreams can be a banal overwork and nervous exhaustion of a small organism. You do not need to make a child prodigy out of your child, just one or two extra classes, suitable for the kid by age.

Finally, to cause nightmarish dreams in children, as well as in adults, negative emotions received for the day can be. For example, a child can see a horror film or a video depicting a catastrophe in the news. Excessively emotional children after such a long time can not sleep peacefully.

What should I do if my child has nightmares?

First of all, it is necessary to try to understand the cause of sleep disorders of the baby. If nightmares are associated with the psychoemotional situation in the family - start with yourself. Find out the relationship only in the absence of the child and in a quiet, calm form.

Do not force the child to do what he already tired, and do not scold him for any prank. Be softer and more affectionate, the kid should understand that his parents love and protect him, and nothing terrible will happen. If the crumb has woken up in the middle of the night, try putting it on your bed, some kids get the feeling that their mother is around. In addition, you can offer the child a warm compote or jelly.

Before going to bed, you can take a bath with peppermint, valerian or motherwort infusion - the smell of these herbs will calm the baby and set him up for a restful sleep at night. After bathing quietly paint or read a book, watching TV at a later time of the day is not worth it.

Reception or visiting of visitors try to carry out in first half of day - some kids so are exhausted from presence of a considerable quantity of another's people that then very longly can not come to the senses. In addition, in good weather, you need to spend as much time on the street - fresh air will calm and relax the child's nervous system, and he will be able to sleep through the night.

Also, some babies are helped by the presence in the crib of their favorite toys, for example, a teddy bear. Invite the baby to take her into bed with her, so the baby will no longer feel lonely.