Antipyretics for children

Needless to say that every parent in his life has to face a rise in temperature in the child. This is due not only to cold and childhood diseases, which are often visited by children at a young age, but also with teething, a reaction to vaccinations and other possible causes. Many mothers and dads, noticing on the thermometer a threatening figure and without consulting a doctor, immediately give antipyretic drugs for children. But is it worth it? Let's try to understand.

Conditions for the use of antipyretic agents

The rise in temperature, as a rule, signals that the baby's body has started an inflammatory process, and all its protective functions are included. The immune system of crumbs is arranged in such a way that the virus is destroyed only when the temperature rises. Therefore, before giving a child antipyretic drugs for children, you need to observe the baby and be sure to ensure the following conditions:

By controlling the process of temperature increase, parents should remember that these rules are not applicable for children from the following risk groups:

But in this case, it is desirable to bring down the temperature only when agreed with the pediatrician. The doctor will be able to prescribe an effective antipyretic for children, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Selection of antipyretic agents

Asking the question: what antipyretic is best for the child, parents, as a rule, are guided by the advertising and reviews of pharmacists. But this approach is not the most correct. It should immediately be said that there is absolutely no harmless drug, they all have a number of contraindications and can cause complications. The most safe antipyretic for children, at the moment, is paracetamol, which is available under various names (panadol, efferalgan) and has a wide range of release forms: syrups, tablets, suppositories, powders, etc. Ibuprofen (second place in safety and efficacy) nurofen, ibufen), but it should be given to the baby only if the paracetamol-containing drug has not helped, since the risk of an adverse reaction in ibuprofen is much higher.

Not so effective, but absolutely harmless people's antipyretic drugs for children. These include freshly squeezed orange and cherry juice, nettle broth, various herbal preparations, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks, the latter not only contributes to a decrease in temperature, but also activates the immune system of the baby. People's recipes for reducing the temperature set, parents only need to choose their own, the most suitable for their child.

It is useful for moms and dads to know that antipyretic for children in tablets is less effective, since it acts more slowly than, for example, syrup or candles. It is very important to carefully study the instructions to the drug for contraindications and to accurately observe the dosage. When giving a child antipyretic, it should be decided only by the doctor, but parents must always monitor the condition of the baby after taking the drug. If the child has one of the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, rash or redness on the body, shortness of breath should immediately call an ambulance. Remember, the health of your crumbs is in your hands!