Can I eat tomatoes while losing weight?

Despite the fact that tomatoes have taken a worthy place in the diet, many still doubt whether it is possible to eat tomatoes when losing weight. However, those who use them in a diet for weight loss are convinced of their effectiveness.

Amazing properties of a tomato

Naturally, in the fight against extra pounds, the priority is low calorie. Tomatoes are just such: their energy value does not exceed 20 kcal / 100 g. It is clear that with such indicators there is no question of whether tomatoes are useful for losing weight.

In the tomato composition, a unique substance, lycopene, was found. It is with his help that tomatoes normalize digestion. With the help of lycopene, tomatoes actively break down fats and promote their removal from the body.

Tomatoes regulate the level of cholesterol, which increases the body's activity in the work of cleaning the vessels of cholesterol plaques.

Tomatoes are included in the diet, with which weight loss is most effective and does not become a serious test for the body, because, in addition to tomatoes, it can include cucumbers, rye bread , eggs, dairy products with a low percentage of fat.

With tomatoes and cucumbers you can spend unloading days. To do this, during the day you need to eat from one and half to two kilograms of vegetables.

Many, inspired by the benefits of tomatoes, are ready to eat them around the clock. But really, can you eat tomatoes in the evening when losing weight? The best answer is no. In the evening, it is better not to eat at all, so as not to strain your stomach. Moreover, because of low glycemic index , tomatoes will slowly be digested, which is not very good for those with increased gastric acidity, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems. In addition, they can cause heartburn. Also, tomatoes are contraindicated to those who are allergic to these vegetables.