Barking cough in a child without fever - treatment

Loving and caring parents always closely monitor the health of their child and are afraid of the occurrence of any unpleasant symptoms. In particular, panic and anxiety in young mothers and dads can cause a cough, the sound of which resembles a dog barking.

In some cases, this symptom occurs against the background of normal body temperature and the absence of clinical symptoms of any disease. In this article, we will tell you what to do to treat a strong barking cough in a child without fever, and under what circumstances it is necessary to show the doctor the baby.

The tactics of treating barking cough in a child without fever

To save the baby from painful coughing attacks for the shortest possible time, it is necessary to ensure in his room the optimum level of humidity of air - about 60%. Use a special humidifier for this purpose or hang wet rags on the battery.

In addition, constantly offer crumbs to drink various liquids - it can be warm tea, compote, juice and any other drinks. In a situation with a barking cough it is very important not to let the oral cavity dry up, so the baby should drink as often as possible.

To treat barking cough in a child can be with the help of steam inhalations over decoction of herbs, for example, such as chamomile or sage. Inhalations with a nebulizer with mineral water will also help ease the baby's condition.

No less effective is the treatment of barking cough in children by folk remedies, in particular:

  1. Spread a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of hot milk and let the baby drink this drink in small sips.
  2. Combine the natural juice of a black radish with honey or a lot of sugar. Suggest the resulting syrup to a crumb of ½ teaspoon every half an hour.
  3. Pour warm water in a hot water bottle, wrap it with a towel and put the sick child on the chest. Wait until the baby falls asleep, and then remove the compress.

All these techniques will help cope with the cough, but only if its cause is not such a serious disease as whooping cough or diphtheria. If the condition deteriorates immediately, consult a doctor, especially in a situation where the child begins to overcome convulsive attacks of cough at night.