Interior of the living room - wallpaper

Wallpaper - the most popular type of decoration of walls for living space. Probably, all business in traditions, after painting, plaster or finishing panels today apply far not all. Most of us still prefer wallpaper, which in the interior of the living room looks quite impressive.

Types of wallpaper in the interior of the living room

First of all, choose the type of material from which the wallpaper is made. They may be:

The color and pattern of the wallpaper is the second point on which I would like to stop. You can choose a cover for the walls, decorated with a geometric or abstract pattern or generally monophonic - it all depends on the chosen style of the interior of the room itself. For example, striped wallpaper in the interior of the living room can illustrate almost any style, depending on the chosen palette and tonality.

Therefore, determine the color design of the room is desirable in advance. Let's discuss the most current trends in choosing wallpaper for the living room.

Black wallpapers in the interior of the living room

Do not be afraid of the negative, which is usually associated with this color. Properly approaching the design of the living room in black tones, you will get a room with a touch of mystery and even mysticism. The main secret here is the right choice of wallpaper-companions, which in the case of black color can be white, beige, gray, golden. It should be calculated and the amount of black color, and then the reception room will not be gloomy, but, oddly enough, cheerful.

Peach wallpaper in the interior of the living room

This shade is less extravagant and more harmonious. Such wallpaper will look great in a classic or ethnic living room, and in a minimalist interior they avoid the feeling of "coldness" of the surrounding space. They will provide a feeling of comfort and unique coziness, and all thanks to its "warm" scale. And if you want to use more and methods of phytodesign, know: wallpaper peach shades will be a wonderful background for living interior plants.

Turquoise wallpaper in the interior of the living room

This shade, on the contrary, is cold, and lovers of the "sea" style should pay special attention to this. Perhaps, do not completely cover all the walls with saturated turquoise wallpaper - try to make accents, choose an interesting pattern or use this cover only for part of the room, applying the principle of zoning. And do not forget that in addition to wallpaper, design experts recommend using several furnishings of the same shade: for example, a turquoise floor vase or cushions.

Lilac wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Transform your living room will help wallpaper in lilac tones of varying intensity. This exquisite shade always attracts the eye, so it should be skillfully combined with neutral tones (for example, white furniture upholstery). Remarkably look lilac wallpaper with floral prints. Such a coating for the walls will help make your living room modern and creative.