Eggplants with garlic for the winter - the best ideas for making savory snacks

Eggplants with garlic for the winter is a variation of billet demand among hostesses. They can be cooked in a variety of ways, a recipe is sure to come in handy for those who want to diversify the winter menu. Snacks are often supplemented with other types of vegetables.

How to cook eggplant with garlic?

Ways to close eggplants, marinated with garlic, there are many. When preparing snacks, it is recommended to take into account such moments:

  1. It is very important to properly carry out the preparatory stage, because the flesh is characterized by a bitter taste, from which it is necessary to get rid. Vegetables need to be peeled, soak for about half an hour in water with salt.
  2. Vegetables are subjected to different types of processing: they are fried in oil or simply stewed together in other constituent parts. An interesting variation of the dish is the one where cooking technology is used, in which eggplants are obtained as mushrooms.
  3. You can make aubergines with garlic for the winter, recipes of which are very diverse, vegetables are cooked in one of such ways: whole with longitudinal cuts into which stuffing from vegetables cut into large pieces or crushed to small pieces is placed.
  4. Additional components are other types of vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, cut into small pieces or even brought to a state of mashed potatoes.

Eggplants in tomato with garlic for the winter

Such a variation of the appetizer as aubergines in tomato with garlic is prepared a little longer in time compared to other recipes, the products will also need a little more. Such a rich snack will be pleasant to eat on a winter evening, using as an additive to baked or roasted meat.



  1. Eggplants cut into mugs, each of which divided into quarters, soak them for half an hour.
  2. The remaining vegetables are crushed, add other ingredients, boil.
  3. Eggplants combine with juice, simmer for 20 minutes, stirring. To roll in banks.

Aubergine eggplant with garlic

The original snack, for the preparation of which is not required vinegar, is aubergines for the winter with garlic without sterilization. They are prepared using stuffing from the milled greens and garlic, while the vegetables are left whole. You can use them both as an independent variation of an acute dish, and as a side dish to meat dishes.



  1. Eggplants boil for 5 minutes. Cover them with a board, put oppression on top. Hold him under a few hours.
  2. Fill the vegetables along, fill with garlic and greens.
  3. Pour eggplants with garlic for the winter with brine from water and salt, soak under the oppression for 3 days, roll in cans.

Hot appetizer from eggplant with garlic

Fans of spicy dishes will be able to please themselves, cooking eggplants with red pepper and garlic. To prepare vegetables use the method of cutting circles. They are complemented by a piquant mass, twisted through a meat grinder and made from additional ingredients. The food is extremely tasty and will be eaten by family members in no time.



  1. Eggplants cut into mugs, soak them for half an hour in water with salt, crushing the load.
  2. Cut fries in oil.
  3. Garlic and pepper grind, combine with vinegar, leave for half an hour.
  4. All the components put in layers in the tank and roll up.

Eggplants like mushrooms with garlic for the winter

Lovers of savory snacks can use the original recipe, using it you can make eggplants like mushrooms with garlic. This method of cooking is extremely simple, and as a result, you can get a snack, to taste nothing inferior to that where the mushrooms collected in the forest are used.



  1. Cut the vegetables together with the skin.
  2. Boil the brine out of the water, salt and vinegar, immerse the vegetables in it for 3 minutes.
  3. Garlic and dill chop, add butter.
  4. Snack dispense on the tanks and roll up.

Eggplants with herbs and garlic for the winter

Very salty come out salted aubergines with herbs and garlic. For conservation, mature fruits are suitable, without damage. The amount of garlic can be increased at will, no recipe from this will worsen. For grinding, blender is great, if you do not have it, you can use a meat grinder.



  1. Make cuts in aubergines, immerse in boiling water for 3 minutes, soak for half an hour.
  2. Place inside the incisions of garlic and greens.
  3. Make a brine of water and salt, pour it eggplants with herbs, garlic for the winter, put the load on the container and hold for 3 days. Then close them in the jars.

Eggplants with nuts and garlic in Georgian style

A wonderful taste and appetizing view is possessed by eggplants with nuts and garlic for the winter in Georgian. Snack will be an excellent addition to any feast and will suit many hot dishes. It is prepared according to a national recipe and looks like attractive rolls filled with piquant stuffing.



  1. Eggplants rubbed with salt and left for 1 hour.
  2. Sliced ​​vegetables to squeeze, pour the juice, fry them in oil.
  3. Garlic, greens and nuts to grind. Pour in the vinegar and a little oil.
  4. On slices lay out a little mass and twist it into a roll, send it to the banks.
  5. Hold the cans in the oven for 30 minutes at 160 degrees, roll up, then cool inverted.

Eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic

A crispy and delicate appetizer, which many housewives will appreciate, are aubergines with carrots and garlic . Vegetables are stuffed using a combination of these additional ingredients, a piquant taste is obtained by baking in the oven, storing them is recommended to be conserved in cans in a cool place.



  1. Make cuts in eggplant and leave in boiled water for half an hour.
  2. Put the vegetables on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes.
  3. Shred the carrots and garlic. Eat eggplant with them.
  4. Eggplants with garlic for the winter close in jars.

Eggplants with tomatoes and garlic for the winter

Simultaneously, a simple snack from eggplants with tomatoes and garlic is simple in cooking and tasty. This is due to the fact that vegetables do not need to be fried, as in many other recipes, additional ingredients can be crushed and attached to cut aubergines. Besides tomatoes it is well combined with aubergines and peppers.



  1. Scroll in the meat grinder tomatoes.
  2. Add sugar, salt, butter, and boil to the mass.
  3. Eggplant cut into slices, add to the mass and cook for 20 minutes, 5 minutes before the completion, pour the vinegar.
  4. Eggplants with tomatoes, garlic for the winter roll in a container.

Aubergines salted with opium with garlic

A wonderful alternative to all the usual cucumbers and tomatoes will be eggplants under yoke with garlic and carrots. They are superbly combined with a wide variety of hot dishes and will become a snack, which will be constantly present at both the daily dinner and at any celebration.



  1. Make a brine, boil water and salt, dip the eggplant into it for 5 minutes, then squeeze it.
  2. Make large cuts in vegetables, stuff them with chopped garlic.
  3. Make another brine and fill them with vegetables.
  4. Put the vegetables in a bowl, press down on top with an oppression, soak the salted aubergines with garlic for the winter for 3 days.