
The most famous symptom of various colds is fever. And since well-being is far from good, we strive to bring it back to normal, the benefit of modern pharmaceuticals offers a huge selection of antipyretic agents. Let's try to figure out which particular drug should be chosen, how harmless they are and in what cases it is worth taking them.

List of antipyretic agents

Despite the huge list of various antipyretic agents, in fact the number of active substances causing a decrease in temperature is rather limited.

  1. Paracetamol. Strong antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent with a minimum of side effects. Contraindicated in renal and hepatic insufficiency. Excessive dosages may adversely affect the liver. It is allowed to use this antipyretics under medical supervision, for children and pregnant women. Paracetamol is a part of such preparations as:
  • Ibuprofen. Reduces inflammation and pain, stimulates immunity. Good, although less effective than paracetamol, antipyretic. It has a greater frequency of side effects, so it is used for children in the event that paracetamol does not help. Preferably with pronounced pain symptoms. Contraindicated in peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, aspirin asthma , impaired hematopoietic function, amblyopia, impaired renal and hepatic function, children under 6 years. In pregnancy, this febrifuge should be used with caution. You can not combine this drug with aspirin and paracetamol. It is part of:
  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Reduces body temperature, relieves pain and inflammation, reduces blood clotting. Contraindications are the same as in ibuprofen, plus any gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, asthma, reduced blood clotting, children under 12 years. It does not combine with alcohol. It is part of:
  • It should be noted that in the presence of liver disease or individual intolerance to paracetamol, antipyretic drugs should be sought without it, and most advertised combined anti-cold medications will not work.

    Folk antipyretics

    1. Wiping with vinegar. Vinegar is diluted with water of room temperature in a proportion of 1: 2, moistens the tissue in it and wipes the patient.
    2. Tincture of black currant. Mix the buds and berries of black currant in a ratio of 2: 1, pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink the infusion in a glass, instead of the usual drink.
    3. Antipyretics collection. Mix 20 grams of herb plantain, 25 grams of lime-colored, and 10 grams of coltsfoot , chamomile and rose hips. A tablespoon (with a small slide) collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist a quarter of an hour, filter and drink. Take the drug three times a day.
    4. Other means. In folk medicine, antipyretics are also considered honey, lemon, freshly squeezed orange juice, cranberry juice, lime decoction.

    In conclusion, we note that for the prevention of fever, medicinal antipyretics are not suitable, since they are usually effective only at body temperature above 37.5. In addition, usually doctors do not recommend to bring down the temperature if it is below 38, since this can adversely affect the healing process.