Treatment with birch tar

Tar is a substance that is obtained by dry distillation of wood. Tar is liquid, and before it was used very widely - even there was a separate profession tar. Because of the oily base, it was used as a lubricant for the wheels, and because of the stickiness, they impregnated the sleepers so that they retained a proper appearance.

Wood contains a lot of useful, biologically active substances, and therefore tar witch doctors used as a cure for ailments. Today it is used in folk medicine for a variety of diseases, especially birch tar.

Birch tar from parasites - treatment

Apply birch tar should be very dosed, because they can not only be cured, but also poisoned. Antiparasitic drugs are toxic, and since tar is effective against parasites, then, accordingly, it is also not harmless.

For treatment it is necessary to take a mixture - 1 drop of tar mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey on the first day. In the following days, increase the tar dose by 1 drop for 20 days.

Treatment of nail fungus with birch tar

At the first detection of the nail fungus, it is necessary to wash the nails with cold water, wipe them dry, and then lubricate with birch tar and leave for 1.5 hours. After that, remove the tar, but do not rinse. Wear socks, and change them for 3 days, and after this time, carefully wash your nails with soap. Also do not forget to treat the shoes with tar so that you do not get a fungal infection again.

Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar

Some people use tar to get rid of plaque psoriasis. It does not eliminate the true autoimmune problem that caused psoriasis , but it helps to remove itching, destroy bacteria and improve blood circulation.

During the exacerbation of psoriasis, tar is not used, because it can aggravate the patient's condition. To reduce the risks of using tar, it should be mixed in glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio. This mixture is smeared with affected areas, left for 1 hour, and then washed off.

Treatment of sinusitis with birch tar

Some connoisseurs of traditional medicine recommend burying tar in the nose to treat sinusitis . This method can be call it dangerous, because the mucosa is very tender and a violent reaction can occur.

Therefore, it is better to use tar externally, mixing it with butter in the proportion of 1: 1, and then apply the mixture on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses for 15 minutes. At the end of this time, remove the appliqué using a cotton pad.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, birch tar is used undiluted and lubricates them with painful areas. After a few hours the product is washed off.

Birch tar is not used to treat internal hemorrhoids.