What helps the broth chamomile?

The drug known to many on the basis of this medicinal plant is applied both externally and internally. By using and using it, you can significantly reduce the symptoms of certain diseases and accelerate the healing process. What helps the broth chamomile, and what ailments he is able to cure, we'll talk today.

What helps grass chamomile?

First, let's see what helps the chamomile, if you drink it, and do not use it externally.

  1. With a cold . Doctors recommend using the remedy during colds, flu, treatment of viral diseases. Also, a decoction from this plant helps to relieve inflammation in the throat, doctors, answering the question, whether the chamomile helps cough, say that this remedy is very effective in fighting this disease. Strengthen the action of the decoction can be if you drink it warm, pre-adding a little honey to the liquid
  2. With attacks of gastritis and flatulence . In the composition of dry grass, and, consequently, in infusion from it, there is a substance of chamazulene, which helps to regulate digestive processes and normalize intestinal peristalsis.
  3. With problems with the urine-reproductive system . Very decoction and in the treatment of inflammation of the urogenital system. Specialists, discussing the topic, whether the chamomile helps cystitis, are fully confident that you can speed up recovery if you take half the glass of this remedy a day. Vitamins and already mentioned above hamazulen, help cope with unpleasant symptoms, ease the pain, reduce the time required for a complete cure.
  4. For the nervous system . Infusion of chamomile is used and as an easy sedative, after drinking a cup of this drink in the evening, you will ensure a sound and healthy sleep, without nightmares, and the next day you will feel vivacity and forget about fatigue and stress . Regular use of chamomile tea, will help you forget about insomnia forever.

Now let's talk a little about the external application of the plant.

  1. Decoction of chamomile can wipe the fat skin, it will help to cleanse it, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Another tool is added to the bath, only half an hour in the water with a decoction of chamomile helps to relieve the symptoms that occur with thrush, eliminate insomnia and reduce anxiety.
  3. Experts advise to use funds with chamomile and for rinsing hair, do this to eliminate dandruff, strengthen the roots of the curls, increase the intensity of their growth.