Radish with honey from a cough - how to take?

Radish is a wonderful vegetable culture. Her remarkable properties were mentioned in her writings by Hippocrates, and used her both in nutrition and in various diseases. The most frequently used to treat cough radish with honey , which was quite effective.

Her healing powers depend on the chemical composition of the root vegetable.

Chemical composition

As part of the radish found:

Most known this vegetable culture as an effective treatment for colds, in particular, it is used for a strong cough. For many years of its use for fighting colds, a large number of recipes have appeared, in which the second component of the drug is honey and describes how to treat a radish cough with honey. During the use of root vegetables, people found that the use of these components is not difficult and the recipes for preparing the drug are fairly simple.

The most popular recipe for cooking

The most famous and common is the preparation method, the success of the effectiveness of which depends on whether you know how to insist radish with honey from a cough.



  1. Radish is well washed, then cut off the top as a lid.
  2. With a sharp knife or spoon, remove some of the pulp.
  3. Inside the radish, add two teaspoons of honey, close the lid and insist for about twelve hours.

After this the preparation is ready for use.

It is often asked, from what cough helps the radish with honey. As a rule, it can be used for dry cough . Reception of the drug promotes softening and liquefaction of mucus, and then - and excretion of sputum from the body. If you continue the drug, then cough cure is much easier, because it significantly clears it from sputum. Like any remedy, it has its own reception characteristics.

How to take radish with honey from cough?

The intake of the drug and its dosage depend on the degree of neglect of the disease and the age of the patient.

  1. Children. Depending on the age, it is allowed to give it three times a day, starting with one drop and gradually increasing the volume, which can be brought to one teaspoon. Children over 12 can be given radish with honey to one tablespoon. As a rule, the treatment of children in this way does not cause problems - they gladly absorb the sweet medicine. If, with the reception of fresh radish with honey, problems arise, it is allowed to use it in the liver form. To determine how to cure a black radish cough with honey individually, you need to take a doctor and not self-medicate so as not to harm the child's body.
  2. Adults are recommended to take the drug one tablespoon three times a day for 20 minutes before meals.

It should be remembered that the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients in radish with honey will persist for the first three days, after which it is necessary to prepare a fresh preparation.


In addition, it should be borne in mind that in some people, the ingestion of honey causes allergies, so the use of sugar is permissible instead. It is permissible to use a recipe, in which the root can be finely chopped or grated on a large grater, and then covered with sugar. Take in accordance with the recommendations.

Acceptance of the drug has a number of limitations, so before taking it, it is worth consulting with your doctor.