Placental abruption in the first trimester

Detachment of the placenta in the early stages is quite common today. With her, according to statistics, every hundredth woman encounters. In the first trimester detachment is not as dangerous as placental abruption in later terms - in the second and third trimesters. In these cases, they speak of premature detachment of the placenta, the symptoms of which are spotting and severe pain in the abdomen.

Detachment of the placenta in the first trimester is most often curable and with the timely taking of measures does not affect the continuation of pregnancy. Detachment of the placenta at 8, 12, 14, 16 weeks is seen on ultrasound as a retroplacentary hematoma. There are no selections at this stage or they are insignificant. Urgent hemostatic therapies are needed here.

A patient with a placental abruption in 1 trimester is usually prescribed bed rest, tocolytic therapy for relaxing the uterus, antispasmodics, hemostatic, iron preparations for pregnant women . If the detachment of the fetal egg has occurred due to an insufficient level of the hormone progesterone, then additionally prescribe the reception of artificial analogues - preparations of Utrozhestan or Dufaston.

If treatment is performed in full, then pregnancy after placental abruption continues quite safely. The growing placenta eventually compensates for the lost area of ​​contact, and the detachment does not affect the development and health of the baby.

Causes of detachment of the fetal egg

A partial detachment of the fetal egg is called a threat of miscarriage , and a full one is a spontaneous abortion.

The main cause of this unpleasant phenomenon is excessive uterine contractions. Since there are no muscle fibers in the placenta, it is not capable of contractions, and often the tone of the uterus ends with a partial or hollow detachment of the placenta or fetal egg (when it comes to the first trimester).

Another reason is the lack of blood supply to the placenta and its specific immune responses. And also in the lack of hormones - in particular, the hormone progesterone.