Hematoma in early pregnancy

Among other complications that may occur during the gestation of a child, there is a hematoma of the uterus. As a rule, this pathology develops in the early stages of pregnancy, and with timely detection it is easily treated.

In this article we will talk about the causes of the appearance of uterine hematoma during pregnancy at early stages and the methods of its treatment.

Causes of hemorrhage

What is hematoma? In other words, it is a hemorrhage into the tissue with the formation of a cavity. Hematomas can form on any part of the body or in any organ, and the uterus is no exception. Previously it was believed that a hemorrhage occurs as a result of a bruise, or with serious blood diseases. But, as practice has shown, this opinion was erroneous. Today, physicians distinguish several main reasons for the appearance of hematoma during pregnancy in the early stages, this is:

Consequences and treatment of hematoma

Not always the hematoma of the uterus is accompanied by a bright symptomatology, sometimes women are diagnosed with hemorrhage on ultrasound, or completely after childbirth. But, basically, the beginning of rejection of the fetal egg leads to the appearance of blood secretions of varying intensity, pain, and general malaise. Of course, the degree of symptomatology and risks directly depend on the size of the hematoma, the gestation period and the location of the blood cavity.

So, in the early stages of pregnancy, a hematoma can cause a miscarriage, and later - a lag in the development of the child or placental abruption. In addition, almost always the appearance of a hematoma leads to blood loss, and as a consequence - the malaise and weakness of the future mother. That is why gynecologists are unanimous in the opinion that hematoma in pregnant women, especially in the early stages, is quite an alarming diagnosis, requiring urgent measures.

First, in diagnosing the disease, women are assigned bed rest and blood-resurrecting drugs (Dicinon, Vikasol and others). In some cases, therapy can not do without hormonal drugs. Also, doctors recommend that future mothers exclude from the diet products that enhance gas generation and intestinal motility, if possible, keep calm and positive mood.