Urine culture during pregnancy

Bacterial sowing refers to those types of laboratory research, the purpose of which is to identify the presence of certain pathogens in the material. Often during pregnancy, the object of research is urine. The study of this biomaterial allows revealing hidden infections of the reproductive system, identifying the causative agent of the disease with ambiguous symptoms. Let's look more closely at the peculiarities of holding the urine culture tank during pregnancy, find out why it is performed, what indicators should normally be.

What is this kind of analysis?

The collected urine sample is initially microscopic, after which the part is sent for sowing. In this case, laboratory assistants use so-called nutrient media, which are a favorable material for the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms. If there are any in the sample, then after a while their growth, an increase in concentration, is observed. Thus, hidden sexual infections can be identified, which can lead to complications of pregnancy.

How to sow urine in pregnancy?

For the entire period of gestation, this type of study is 2 times obligatory for pregnant women: when they are registered and at 36 weeks of pregnancy. If there are special indications, the analysis is performed more often (kidney, bladder, urine protein, leukocytes, etc.).

To collect urine for analysis, tank. The sowing spent at pregnancy, the woman needs to get a sterile jar. It is necessary to collect morning urine, an average portion, after pissing 2-3 seconds in the toilet bowl. The procedure should be preceded by hygiene of the external genitalia. For a more truthful result, experienced doctors advise to enter before collection a tampon in the vagina, which will prevent the entry of foreign cells into the sample. Delivery of the material is necessary within 1-2 hours to the laboratory.

What can indicate a bad result of the tank. Urine culture during pregnancy?

The presence in the urine of exclusively bacteria, with a normal content of leukocytes, usually indicates the presence of cystitis, kidney disease. In the absence of symptoms, doctors speak of asymptomatic bacteriuria.

The interpretation of the results of the analysis is carried out exclusively by the doctor. At the same time, the quantitative value indicated in the conclusion is CFU / ml. If the indicator is less than 1000 cfu / ml, the woman is healthy, from 1000 to 100000, - a dubious result that requires re-analysis, above 100,000 cfu / ml - indicates the presence of infection. In this case, the microorganisms, protozoa, fungi present in the sample are listed specifically.