Early miscarriage

Miscarriage at an early age is considered to be spontaneous abortion for up to 12 weeks. Unfortunately, a very large part of pregnancies (according to statistics about 10-20%) are interrupted at an early stage. However, in fact, this indicator is even higher, since pregnancy can be interrupted very early and a woman does not even know that she was "in position"

Miscarriage at 1 week in time coincides with menstruation, and therefore often it is simply not recognized. If the menstruation is delayed for several days, after which it takes place more than usual, this may already indicate an early miscarriage. Therefore, it is often impossible to determine independently whether miscarriage or menses occurs.

The causes of miscarriage at an early age:

  1. Hormonal failures. Especially great is the threat of miscarriage at week 6, as this is a period of very rapid fetal growth, accompanied by hormonal changes. The lack of estrogen and progesterone at this time is often the reason for abortion.
  2. Previous abortions.
  3. Inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  4. Obtained injuries.
  5. Stresses and nervous experiences.
  6. Physical exercise.
  7. Bad habits.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the effect on the fetus of drugs. Since most drugs have a very negative effect on the course of pregnancy, it is important to know which pills cause miscarriages and avoid their use. Categorically prohibited the use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antitumor drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, diuretics, aspirin and many other medicines. The same goes for the treatment of herbs, since many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Symptoms of miscarriage

As already mentioned, it is quite difficult to determine miscarriages or menses due to similar symptoms. About miscarriage at an early age can say:

When smearing discharge it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since there is still the possibility to keep the pregnancy. If the bleeding is abundant, the child can no longer be saved, but it is necessary to undergo a survey, since incomplete spontaneous miscarriage is possible. This implies that pieces of tissue remain in the uterine cavity, which must be removed surgically.

Consequences of early miscarriage

In most cases, a woman who survived a miscarriage at an early stage, the consequences of a serious nature do not threaten. Another thing is if the miscarriage was provoked specifically, by taking certain medications. In this case, complications are possible and it is recommended to make ultrasound.

Contrary to popular belief, spontaneous early miscarriage does not mean that there will be a second interruption. This is possible only if the cause of the incident is incorrectly determined or not eliminated.

Rehabilitation after miscarriage

Recovery after a spontaneous miscarriage can last from several weeks to months, in each case individually. Recommendations after a miscarriage provide first of all comprehensive medical care in order to eliminate bleeding and protection against infection. If necessary, scraping is used. The cause of abortion is determined, and appropriate measures are taken.

Psychological assistance to a woman at this stage is no less important. It is necessary to convince the woman that life after the miscarriage continues and it is necessary for her to pull herself together, having directed all forces to continue successfully to bear and give birth to a healthy child.