Thrush on early pregnancy

Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush is a disease that worries expectant mothers often enough, and some representatives of the fair sex, the presence of this ailment is treated as one of the first signs of pregnancy. Candidiasis occurs against a background of weakened immunity, changes in the hormonal background, the intake of antibiotics or malnutrition. Thrush in early pregnancy, however, as in any other period of a woman's life, is accompanied by itching of the perineum and white curdled discharge with an acidic odor.

Is it worth treating thrush?

Like any infection, and vaginal candidiasis is no exception, it can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus. In addition, answering the question, whether thrush is dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, doctors always warn that it can provoke miscarriage, the development of chorionamionitis (inflammation of the placenta) and chronic oxygen starvation in the fetus. Therefore, if a woman has a goal to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, then vaginal candidiasis should be treated.

How to treat thrush early in pregnancy?

At the moment, the safest drugs for treating this ailment are:

  1. Pimafucin. Suppositories are vaginal. The active substance of this agent is natamycin. The drug is injected deep into the vagina for one tablet per day. Treatment lasts for 4-6 days in a row.
  2. Hexicon. Suppositories are vaginal. At treatment of a milkwoman by doctors on early terms of pregnancy this drug is often appointed or nominated. The main component of the drug is the antiseptic - chlorhexidine bigluconate. The drug should be used according to this scheme: 1 candle in the morning and before bedtime for a week. The medicine needs to be injected deep into the vagina.
  3. Primafungin. Suppositories are vaginal. This drug is an analogue of Pimafucine with the same active substance. Its daily dosage is one suppository, which must be inserted into the vagina. The course of therapy is 3-6 days.

How to cure thrush in the early stages of pregnancy folk remedies?

If there is no trust in medicinal medicinal preparations, then you can try to cure vaginal candidiasis with soda. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 liter of boiled, warm water. Douche and wash with this solution is recommended 2-3 times during day within a week.

For the best effect, folk healers recommend, in addition to syringing with soda, to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice with the addition of cream. The scheme of treatment consists in the systematic use of 150 ml of this drink before meals (no more than 450 ml per day) for 7 days.

So, in the early stages of gestation, the thrush is a common phenomenon with which many future mothers are familiar. However, to let the doctors do not recommend this ailment, in fact, despite the apparent harmlessness, it can cause very serious pathologies in the future baby.