Cutting pains in the abdomen during pregnancy

Cutting pains in the abdomen, appearing in pregnancy, are observed in many women in the position. This phenomenon can be both a symptom of any disorder, and the usual reaction of the body to the onset of pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon, and we will tell you in what cases there may be abdominal pain in a normal pregnancy.

When is the abdominal rejuvenation during pregnancy the norm?

So, quite often future mothers complain about the appearance of cuts in the lower abdomen at short notice. As a rule, they do not connect with anything, i.e. pain appears against the background of complete well-being and excellent health. In such cases, the presence of painful sensations is seen by doctors as the usual reaction of the genitourinary system to pregnancy. They are connected, first of all, with the increase in the uterus in size, which occurs as the baby grows in the mother's womb. In such situations, except for cutting pains in the lower abdomen, the pregnant woman does not complain anymore.

What can indicate a sharp, cutting pain in the abdomen in pregnancy?

Such a symptomatology is typical for such a violation as the threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, in addition to abdominal pain, women notice the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. At first, their volume is small, but may increase with time. As a result, the general condition of the pregnant woman worsens: a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. In such a clinical picture, it is necessary to hospitalize a woman as soon as possible. It is also worth noting that this kind of clinical picture can be observed with ectopic pregnancy.

Often, sharp, cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which women complain of during pregnancy, may be a consequence of the presence of infection in the body of genital organs. In such cases, almost always the pain is accompanied by pathological discharge from the vagina. When they appear, you need to see a doctor and get tested.

Among the frequent reasons for the appearance of piercing-cutting pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, it is necessary to distinguish inflammation of the bladder - cystitis. This pathology is very difficult to treat, and in case of untimely treatment of a woman to a doctor goes into a chronic form. At the same time quite often in the early pregnancy there is an exacerbation of the disease. In such cases, the lower abdomen is accompanied by painful, frequent urination. When these symptoms appear, you should not put the doctor on call for a long time. it can negatively affect not only the health of the future mother, but also the fetus.