Fetal Crowth

The procedure for carrying out the FGT of the fetus makes it possible to evaluate the fetus as efficiently and without danger to the child as possible, to determine the presence or absence of malformations. Also, this study allows you to correlate the degree of uterine contractions and heartbeat of the child. Exactly what the FGD of the fetus shows and will be the starting point for the gynecologist to determine the method of further management of pregnancy, the appointment of subsequent studies or the selection of the process of delivery. Conducting a fetal examination with an apparatus for KGT is as important as regular visits to the ultrasound room.

How do KGT fetuses?

The heart rhythms of the baby are best auditioned on the front wall of the mother's abdomen. This is where the sensor is placed, which, using ultrasound, captures and transfers to the device for listening to the fetal heart beat of the baby's heart muscle, the activity of his body movements and other necessary parameters.

It does not require any special preparation for the study, it is enough to do it on an empty stomach or a few hours after the main meal. Also, there are no strict contraindications to this type of analysis. Of course, every woman is worried about the question whether KGT is harmful to the fetus, and whether it makes sense to expose the child to the next study. It is necessary to understand and soberly evaluate the "benefit-risk" ratio, especially since this research method is absolutely harmless and does not inflict any physical injuries or inconveniences to the child. And the results obtained can calm the mother preparing for delivery and give the midwife important information that can help in the process of delivery.

When is the fetal heartbeat audible?

To hear the first sounds of beating of the baby's heart can already on the 5th-6th week of gestation by vaginal ultrasound. The use of the method of KGT research is prescribed only from the 32nd week of pregnancy. The doctor registers the uterine activity of the woman and checks the palpitation rate of the fetus , noting at the same time his readiness for the difficult process of birth.

How is the result of the analysis deciphered?

Evaluation of the results of the study is conducted either by a specialist or by the apparatus itself, which depends on the degree of its software. The level of correspondence of the ratio of "rest-activity" of the child and reduction of his heart muscle to the period of gestation is determined by conditional and pathological signs.

It is also necessary to calculate the index of fetal status by levels or scores, which again depends on the apparatus of KGT itself. So:

  1. Indicators less than 1 are considered normal.
  2. The fluctuation of data in the range from 1 to 2 is perceived by KGT as initial impairment of the fetal condition.
  3. Values ​​between 2-3 determine serious and significant defects in the work of the heart.
  4. More than 3 marks a critical state of affairs.

Given the accuracy and speed of the device, it is not uncommon for false positive results of fetal hypoxia in KGT. This may be due to the baby's short-term clamping of the umbilical cord or its resistance to lack of oxygen. It is possible to pass additional FGT of the fetus at 34 weeks, confirming or refuting the presence of oxygen starvation.

It is possible to determine tachycardia of the fetus by KGT, which can be the result of fever, intrauterine infection of the child or fetal distress.

Where can I make the KGT of the fetus?

This kind of research can be done both in the public clinic and in private gynecology, which has appropriate equipment and an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. In pregnancy, the KGT of the fetus can be carried out according to personal desire or according to a medical prescription. In any case, this method is only an additional diagnostic tool.